Assault on common sense
The Attleboro S&M bust is an outrageous instance of police misconduct
compounded by prosecutorial abuse
In a small sense, the outrageous recent police raid on a sadomasochistic party
in Attleboro is evidence of progress: media reports have focused not just on
the details of the case, but also on the terrible judgment shown by
law-enforcement officials for pressing criminal charges in response to
activities engaged in by consenting adults. The Boston Herald, in its
inimitable way, managed to address those legitimate concerns and wallow
in sensationalism with this front-page headline: SPANK BUST RIPPED AS BUM
But despite this limited degree of enlightenment, the fact remains that two
people face prosecution in the wake of a misguided abuse of police power.
The party's host, Benjamin Davis, of Hudson, New Hampshire, has been hit with
13 charges, including assault and battery on a police officer and keeping a
house of prostitution. The former charge, though serious, could not have come
about if police had respected the participants' privacy. The latter apparently
resulted from Davis's asking people for a $25 donation to help pay for
Even more troubling is the case of Stefany Reed, described in news reports as a
New York City businesswoman, who was charged with assault and battery for
allegedly spanking a mostly undressed woman with a wooden spatula. The charge
against Reed is apparently based on a state law that prohibits assault even in
entirely consensual situations. Reasonable? Well, yes, sometimes. Obviously
society can't condone, say, consensual leg-breaking. But Reed and her partner
were engaged in nothing more than rough sexual play. The key to officialdom's
mindset might be found in the fact that authorities also seized what have been
described as "sex toys." Be forewarned: if you're getting off in Bristol
County, you and your partner had best not turn the vibrator up to "high."
Let's be clear. There's a good case to be made that prostitution should be
legalized and regulated, but the Attleboro S&M case isn't about
prostitution, because it's not really about sex. Those who participate in
S&M parties say that such events do not involve the sex act per se,
likening the goings-on instead to extended foreplay. Nor is the case about
Massachusetts's archaic sex laws, which can be traced back to Puritan times and
which, believe it or not, prohibit oral and anal sex, even within marriage.
Those laws should be overturned; but that would not help Benjamin Davis and
Stefany Reed.
Rather, this is a case about police misconduct, prosecutorial abuse, and
society's passiv-ity whenever people are persecuted for having the nerve to
lead alternative lifestyles. Another example: when the Fenway Community Health
Center reported this past spring that violence against gay, lesbian, bisexual,
and transgendered people increased in Massachusetts by 20 percent in 1999,
the news was met with a collective yawn. But when Richard Sharpe, the North
Shore dermatologist charged with murdering his wife, turned out to have his own
gender issues, the media practically salivated. The fact is that violence
against people who are different is an enormous social problem; violence
by people who are different is rare.
It's great that organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union, the
Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, and the National Coalition for Sexual
Freedom (an S&M advocacy group) have spoken out against the repression in
Attleboro. The solution to outrages such as this, though, is not to create new
laws or repeal old ones. It is, rather, the vigorous application of common
sense -- a commodity that is apparently in short supply both at the Attleboro
police station and in the office of District Attorney Paul Walsh.
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