Tracking an obsession
The states disagree over how to define stalking. And the experts disagree over how
best to stop it.
by Jason Gay
Ten years ago, there was not a single anti-stalking law in America. But after
television actress Rebecca Schaeffer was shot to death by an obsessed fan in
1989, setting off a flood tide of media and political attention, California
became the first state to attempt to define stalking and protect its citizens
against the crime. In the years since, every US state has followed suit.
There's no question that, from a legal standpoint, stalking victims have more
options than they did a decade ago. Most state anti-stalking laws will penalize
offenders for acts of harassment ranging from repeated telephone calls to
physical violence. A federal statute makes it a felony offense to stalk someone
across state lines. And after 21-year-old Kristin Lardner was gunned down on
Comm Ave in 1992 by an ex-boyfriend already on probation for harassing another
woman, Massachusetts pioneered a system whereby victims who obtain restraining
orders have their stalkers' criminal histories automatically checked.
Despite these advances, however, stalking specialists say that too often,
victims feel unprotected by the legal system. Like recent Hyannis murder victim
Elsie Korpela, who was murdered in early December by a boyfriend with a history
of violence against women, they do not seek out or cannot obtain appropriate
assistance. Until police and courts become more aggressive about enforcing
anti-stalking laws, specialists warn, preventable tragedies will continue to
"Passing laws was the easy part," says David Beatty, director of public policy
for the National Victim Center, in Washington, DC. "Implementing those laws --
and training police and judges how to use them -- is much harder."
The need for such training is urgent, Beatty says. A recently released US
Department of Justice survey found that more than 1.4 million Americans are
victimized by stalkers annually, a number that the surveyors gauge as
"conservative." Only half of the victims reported to police that they were
being stalked, the survey found -- and fewer than half of those were satisfied
with how their cases were handled.
"Stalking is exactly where rape was 20 years ago," says Renee Goodale, the
founder of Survivors of Stalking, a Tampa, Florida-based national support
group. "Victims are reluctant to bring charges because the laws aren't being
In the meantime, a silent crime wave continues. The Justice Department survey
-- which used 8000 subjects and took more than one year to complete -- found
that 8 percent of American women and 2 percent of men had been stalked at some
point in their lives. Most of the victims were between the ages of 18 and 29
when the stalking began, and most knew their stalker as a current or former
spouse or intimate partner.
When victims decide to seek outside help, the most common approach is to
obtain a restraining order against the stalker. But there's no unanimity on the
effectiveness of these orders. Of the female victims surveyed by the Justice
Department, roughly one-quarter obtained protective, or restraining, orders
(for men, the percentage is far lower). Nearly 80 percent of the time, however,
these restraining orders were violated by the stalker.
Stalking specialists agree that for many victims, taking out a restraining
order can be an important first step -- indeed, in the case of Elsie Korpela,
getting a restraining order against stalker Peter Groome would have triggered a
background check and alerted her to Groome's past history of abuse toward
women. But viewing restraining orders as a solution is a serious mistake, warns
"Far too often, victims put too much weight upon what a protective order can
do," Goodale says. "It does build a better case, and it does build a paper
trail, but we always tell victims not to let their guard down and think a
protective order is going stop a stalker."
The lack of consensus over restraining orders mirrors a long-standing general
disagreement over the best way to handle a stalker. Victims are sometimes torn
between two somewhat competing approaches to dealing with their dangerous
The first approach is a proactive one: go to police, obtain a restraining
order, and notify the stalker that the harassment will no longer be tolerated.
This approach not only enters the case into the legal system, it allows both
the victim and the police to build a case against the stalker for future arrest
and prosecution. Sometimes, police will take an even more aggressive tack --
contacting the stalker personally, and issuing a warning to stop.
But there are several problems with this approach, critics say. The first is
the law; in many cases, stalkers who harass their victims are not explicitly
breaking the law, and police must be careful to not step on civil liberties.
Another concern is that calling on the authorities may tip the scales toward
violence. Some stalking specialists think that restraining orders and police
involvement give stalkers a feeling of legitimacy and validation -- they are
making an impact upon their victim's life, even if it's a negative impact.
"Stalkers establish their self-worth by pressing, threatening, and controlling
their partners," says the National Victim Center's Beatty. "With that kind of
dynamic, you have to be really careful about what you do as a victim. Often, a
stalker will say, `If she thinks she can bring the [police] down upon me
. . . she's got another think coming.' "
For this reason and others, some specialists prefer a less confrontational
approach. Contact is severed, telephone numbers are changed, mail is returned,
threats are unanswered. Victims change their personal habits -- the route they
take to work, the time they mow the lawn -- in order to stymie a stalker's
advances. Sometimes, however, these steps make little difference, and a victim
may be forced to make more radical changes -- getting a new job, relocating
within the neighborhood, or moving out of town altogether.
Michigan-based specialist Michael Scott helps stalking victims make this
noninterventionist approach work. The author of an anti-stalking guidebook
called How to Lose Anyone, Anywhere, Scott also operates an e-mail-only
consulting service in which he advises victims on how to get a stalker out of
their lives. In almost every case, victims -- not police or the courts -- can
provide the best defense against harassment.
"I try to help people empower themselves," Scott says. "No one is going to
care more about your situation than you are."
Of course, not every stalking victim can make radical changes in his or her
life. Though Scott prefers the less aggressive philosophy, he does not
completely disavow police involvement. The best anti-stalking strategy, most
specialists agree, often combines the interventionist and noninterventionist
approaches: get a restraining order and involve legal authorities, but also
take personal steps to eliminate future contact with a stalker. (For example,
victims are always instructed to cut off personal contact with a stalker, and
to document each advance made, in order to provide investigators with a
detailed record of the case.)
Thankfully, now more than ever, the law sits squarely on the stalking victim's
side. Since California passed the country's first statute in 1990,
anti-stalking law has been a work in progress, modified in response to
law-enforcement complaints and occasional constitutional challenges. A 1996
Department of Justice report on domestic violence and anti-stalking legislation
(not part of the recently released stalking study) said that "a hodgepodge of
flawed statutes" had placed prosecutors "in a position of dealing with laws
that were virtually unenforceable due to ambiguities and the dual requirements
to show both specific intent and credible threat."
Since the early legislation was passed, however, many state anti-stalking laws
have been better defined; the current statutes, according to the Justice
Department report, are stronger because they "include specific intent and
credible threat requirements, broaden definitions, refine wording, stiffen
penalties, and emphasize the suspect's pattern of activity." In almost every
instance, they permit prosecution for a pattern of harassment, even if it isn't
overtly violent or threatening: stalkers can be punished for repeatedly making
nonaggressive advances in the form of unwanted telephone calls, mail, or
"It shouldn't have to go to the point of injury or death," says Renee
At the same time, however, anti-stalking laws must respect constitutional
rights. This concern has hampered the drafting and implementation of
anti-stalking laws that involve the Internet and other communication tools,
critics complain. But to a large extent, anti-stalking laws have withstood
legal challenges. Here in Massachusetts, the state supreme court has clarified
the anti-stalking law only once, ruling in 1994 that a person cannot be charged
with stalking unless he or she allegedly commits "more than two" threatening
Still, national stalking specialists agree that strong laws won't be effective
without better enforcement. There are only a few police departments in the
country with special units assigned specifically to handle stalking complaints
-- including those in Knoxville, Tennessee; Dover, New Hampshire; and Los
Angeles, where the groundbreaking Threat Management Unit was started largely in
response to stalkings of celebrities and public figures. "There is a rape
crisis center in virtually every city in the US, and there should be a
[stalking unit] in every city, too," Goodale says.
Short of creating a new police unit, however, the National Victim Center's
Beatty advises aggressive training of police, prosecutors, and judges. Just as
they have been sensitized to the issues of sexual assault and domestic
violence, law enforcement agencies must be taught how to build and handle
stalking cases, Beatty says. "We still run up against the Neanderthal aspect,"
he admits. "Many [police] people see stalking as being less of a crime."
But as the recent Department of Justice survey showed, stalking is a pervasive
and serious threat. According to the survey, more than 45 percent of victims
are overtly threatened. Seventy-five percent are followed and spied upon.
Thirty percent see their property vandalized. But too few victims are willing
to turn to the law, because they are worried that their complaints won't be
taken seriously.
This is indefensible, says Beatty, because in almost every stalking case that
turns violent -- like Elsie Korpela's -- the warnings signs were already there.
"This is one of those rare opportunities where law enforcement gets a chance
to prevent a murder before it occurs," he says. "How many times do you get a
chance like that?"
Jason Gay can be reached at jgay[a]