Before the flood
Why Clinton should demand impeachment hearings
by Harvey Silverglate and Dan Kennedy
Ken Starr has Bill Clinton right where he wants him.
In a little over a week, the independent counsel and his minions will travel
to the White House and ask the president of the United States whether he and
Monica Lewinsky ever had sex -- and whether he ever urged her to lie about it
under oath. Of course, Starr and his posse won't want to risk being bamboozled by any of Clinton's famously legalistic
responses. So they'll interrogate him in the most minute, intimate detail about
his relationship with this unfortunate young woman. Mr. President, do you
consider fellatio to be sex? Did Ms. Lewinsky perform fellatio on you? Did you
at any time suggest that no one other than the two of you ever had to find out
about this arrangement? Inevitably, the answers to these humiliating
questions will leak out.
It is, in fact, a trap -- a perjury trap, as lawyers call it, exquisitely
designed by Starr to criminalize Clinton's past behavior. And it's a trap that
has been at the heart of some of the country's most memorable scandals. A young
congressman named Richard Nixon made his career by going after Alger Hiss, an
urbane, Ivy League-educated State Department lawyer who went to prison not
because of Nixon's claim that he was a Communist, but rather because he
perjured himself before a congressional committee. Nixon himself met his
overdue end not because of the Watergate break-in, but because he lied to the
American people about his role in it. Conversely, Oliver North escaped prison
in the Iran-contra affair because a judge ruled that his self-incriminating,
but apparently truthful, testimony before Congress could not be used against
him. The lesson for Clinton, and for those who would defend him, is clear:
whatever his misdeeds, lying about them will only make things worse.
No doubt the results of the test on the infamous dress stain will have much to
do with how the president crafts his testimony. But if those results are
ambiguous, or if Starr keeps them to himself until after his trip to the Oval
Office, then Clinton must choose from among multiple perils. If he denies
having had sex with Lewinsky, he runs the risk of being accused of perjuring
himself in a grand-jury proceeding. Even if Clinton's denial were truthful,
there is so much circumstantial evidence suggesting an affair that Starr would
probably attempt to make the case against him anyway. And if Clinton admits to
a sexual relationship, he'll be exposed as a liar -- and, at least
theoretically, could be accused of perjuring himself by denying the affair when
he was deposed in Paula Jones's civil suit.
Not that Starr is going to indict Clinton and send federal marshals to lead
him out of the White House in handcuffs and leg irons. No, Starr's endgame has
been clear for some time: stand the judicial system on its head by using its
awesome powers of subpoena and indictment not to prosecute criminals, but
rather to further his political crusade, a crusade whose ultimate mission is to
impeach Clinton and remove him from office. The upcoming video inquisition of
Clinton is emblematic of Starr's abusive tactics. The grand-jury system was
designed to protect citizens from a runaway prosecutor. In this case, Starr,
the very embodiment of the runaway prosecutor, is using the grand jury to
entrap his quarry and to bolster the case for impeachment.
Given the certain dangers that Clinton faces, it is astounding that he and his
defenders insist on a strategy of stonewalling and delay. All that can
accomplish is to postpone the day when Clinton becomes a disgraced
ex-president. In fact, the poll-inflated bubble in which Clinton has existed in
recent months is about to burst. The only chance Clinton has of salvaging his
presidency is to take the kind of bold, decisive action that has been entirely
absent from his scandal-defense operation thus far.
First, he should shut down Starr's endless, $40 million investigation by
issuing presidential pardons to everyone who has been indicted by Starr or who
is in danger of being indicted -- not just friends such as his confidant Vernon
Jordan and his former buddy Webster Hubbell, but also enemies such as former
Arkansas governor Jim Guy Tucker.
Second, he should challenge Starr to send his final report to Congress at the
earliest opportunity.
And finally, Clinton should deliver a nationally televised address in which he
promises to cooperate fully and truthfully with a congressional inquiry into
his conduct. By promising to testify under oath in a public setting, Clinton
would take away Starr's ability to maneuver via secrecy and strategically
opportune leaks.
In other words, Clinton himself should demand that the House begin impeachment
The strongest argument for this drastic step is that such hearings are going
to happen, with Clinton's cooperation or without it, and if he doesn't take
control of the process it's likely to ruin him. Starr's excesses aside, the
president's problems are of his own making. Starr's final report to Congress is
expected to address not just whether Clinton was serviced by his young intern
and then urged her to lie about it, but much more substantial matters as well,
such as the "talking points" memo, which instructed Linda Tripp on how to lie
under oath about an alleged groping incident involving former White House aide
Kathleen Willey; for the moment, Lewinsky is claiming authorship, but that
strains credulity. There are also Vernon Jordan's employment-counseling
services for Lewinsky, which, on their face, bear a striking resemblance to
Jordan's earlier efforts to steer fat legal fees to Webster Hubbell at a time
when Starr was attempting to negotiate a plea-bargaining deal with Hubbell; the
firings in the White House travel office; Hillary Rodham Clinton's
lost-and-found billing records, which relate directly to possible wrongdoing in
the Whitewater real-estate deal (remember that?); and, most ominous, the 900
FBI records on prominent Republicans that may have been used -- misused, that
is -- by White House dirty-tricks operatives, a case with truly Nixonian
implications. These are serious issues, and it would be far better for Clinton
if he -- to paraphrase an earlier broken promise -- told us more rather than
less, and sooner rather than later. (Ironically, Clinton is safe, for now, on
the issue of campaign finance, the source of what is potentially his most
serious misdeed: the matter is still being investigated by the Justice
Department because its top administrator, Attorney General Janet Reno, refuses
to turn the matter over to an independent counsel.)
The biggest risk for Clinton is that he would touch off a firestorm of
protest, much as Richard Nixon did when he removed special prosecutor Archibald
Cox in the Saturday Night Massacre a quarter-century ago. Indeed, Starr could
respond by taking the constitutionally dubious step of indicting Clinton, which
might make it necessary for Clinton to pardon himself (itself constitutionally
questionable), which would enrage his enemies and much of the public as well.
The key is for Clinton to break from his infuriating habit of blaming everyone
but himself. He must take personal responsibility for his actions -- and cast
such an audacious series of steps as a matter of high principle.
Clinton is, if nothing else, a great communicator. By explaining the stakes
involved, he can blunt the criticism and get out in front of the forces that
threaten to swallow him and damage the rule of law. The public needs to be
reminded that, because of Starr's excesses, a mother has been forced to testify
against her daughter. The Secret Service's ability to hold the trust of future
presidents has been so damaged that Congress may need to pass corrective
legislation. The attorney-client privilege came within a hair's-breadth of
being substantially weakened. All this in the name of an independent-counsel
law so open-ended that Starr doesn't even need a crime to investigate -- just a
target, and unlimited resources to get something on that target.
Indeed, an increasing number of legal experts believe that the
independent-counsel law has been an abysmal failure; it is likely to die a
well-deserved death, or undergo radical reform, when it comes up for renewal
next year. Starr's inquiry, of course, is Exhibit A in the case for abolishing
the independent counsel. Why should Clinton and his presidency continue to be
victimized by a law that nearly everyone agrees has been a disaster?
The country has been conditioned to look at impeachment as a drastic measure
bound to a spark a constitutional crisis. But many constitutional scholars
argue that impeachment should not be seen as a last resort but, rather, as the
proper forum in which to resolve questions about presidential behavior such as
those being investigated by Starr. New Republic legal-affairs editor
Jeffrey Rosen, in an op-ed piece for the New York Times on July 30,
noted that Alexander Hamilton believed a president couldn't be brought up on
criminal charges until after he had been impeached and removed from office.
"Members of Congress who take their constitutional duties seriously should
preempt Mr. Starr's investigation by holding preliminary impeachment hearings
immediately," Rosen wrote. It would be disastrous for Clinton if anyone other
than he were to lead the call for such hearings.
Besides, the chances of Clinton's winning the public over to his side are
good if all that's at issue is his having had sex with Lewinsky and then lying
about it in a civil deposition. Poll after poll shows that Clinton's
job-approval rating remains high and that, though much of the public believes
he and Lewinsky had a sexual affair, most do not believe such an indiscretion
is sufficient to drive Clinton from office. Starr, on the other hand, is widely
viewed as a narrow-minded, sex-obsessed inquisitor whose heavy-handed tactics
have ruined careers and reputations.
No one can doubt the heavy personal cost of Starr's investigation and
Clinton's stonewalling. The current issue of the Nation reports that
more than 100 current and former White House officials, as well as another 200
to 300 in Arkansas and elsewhere, have paid (or, more likely, owe) more than
$23 million in legal fees. These range from the $70,000 incurred by Steve
Smith, a former low-level Clinton aide now teaching at the University of
Arkansas, to the $2 million owed by Tucker, a former business partner of Jim
and Susan McDougal. Even Kramerbooks, the small, independent Washington
bookstore where Lewinsky was alleged to have bought a gift for Clinton, was
forced to pay lawyers $100,000 to fight a Starr subpoena for a list of
Lewinsky's purchases -- a signal example of how Starr has sought to push the
prosecutorial envelope at every stage of his investigation. The more that the
public understands how out of control Starr has been, the more it would
suppormove to shut him down.
Certainly Clinton wouldn't be impeached for having sex with
Lewinsky and then lying about it in a civil case that has since been thrown
out. If Clinton sexually exploited a 21-year-old intern, then he deserves to be
harshly criticized, but not removed from office. Besides, one suspects such
misbehavior is not unknown in the corridors of Congress. House Speaker Newt
Gingrich, for one, is widely reported to share (and to have acted upon)
Clinton's peculiarly Southern belief that fellatio isn't really sex.
But the point of moving the inquiry against Clinton from the judicial to the
political arena isn't to save his skin, even though that may be the result.
It's to resolve questions that are ultimately political in a political manner,
with the people's elected representatives publicly deciding whether Clinton is
fit to hold office, and then having to answer to their constituents for their
decision. Most important, it's to resolve once and for all the myriad questions
swirling around Clinton's presidency. Regardless of what the president may or
may not have done, the people who elected him and reelected him deserve better
than to have him hog-tied by legal probes from Inauguration Day 1993 until he
steps down in January 2001.
Indeed, the oppressive presence of a permanent inquisition constitutes an even
more effective check on Clinton's power than the Republican control of
Congress. Starr's endless investigation, and Clinton's own culpability, have
already brought an early end to the Clinton presidency, even if Clinton
staggers on through the end of his term. Though second-term presidents rarely
accomplish much, the era of good feelings that seemed to prevail before January
21 (i.e., Monica Day) suggested that Clinton and Congress were ready to move
ahead on a modest agenda. Clinton was widely expected to push for new programs
aimed at improving education and child care this year. Republicans appeared
ready to deal on the touchiest issue of all: making the Social Security system
solvent without screwing future retirees. All that's gone now; Clinton's only
goal is to survive.
Perhaps the best argument for an impeachment inquiry is that the system
guarantees that Clinton's fate would be decided by cautious, reasonable people,
not by a zealot such as Starr or by Clinton's ideological enemies -- and in
public, not by a secret grand-jury "Starr chamber." If Clinton were impeached
by the House, he would be tried in the Senate, with a two-thirds majority
needed for removal. That virtually guarantees that the balance of power would
be held by moderate members of his own party. When Richard Nixon resigned, in
1974, it was because he knew he'd lost moderate Republican senators such as
Howard Baker and William Cohen. In Clinton's case, the swing votes would belong
to moderate Democrats such as Joseph Lieberman and John Glenn. Surely a
majority of the public could accept the judgment of such solid citizens.
Bill Clinton needs to stand up to Starr and stand up for the Constitution by
bringing this runaway prosecution to a close. By taking these steps, Clinton
can help undo some of the harm to our institutions (not to mention our
sensibilities) that he and Starr, in their uniquely symbiotic way, have
inflicted. Since 1994, when Starr was appointed, we have been subjected to an
ugly pas de deux: Starr pursues, Clinton stonewalls, and God help anyone
who gets in the way. Webster Hubbell, Jim Guy Tucker, Susan McDougal, and the
late Jim McDougal are hardly saints, but they owe their ruination to their
dealings with Clinton and to Starr's relentless, and reckless, pursuit. It's
time to bring this to a close.
Impeachment hearings may seem like a high price for Clinton to pay. But only
by taking personal responsibility for his actions -- and putting his fate in
the hands of Congress, where it belongs -- can he save his presidency and
preserve some measure of honor. Clinton and his supporters have been lulled by
the polls into thinking the president can get away with it for as long as he
likes, but that sense of security has always been built on the false hope that
they can postpone the inevitable forever. This is a president who's known to
brood about his place in history. Without a radical change of course, that
place will be securely fastened alongside those of Nixon and Harding, two
presidents who were destroyed by corruption and, more to the point, by their
inability and unwillingness to face up to it before it was too late.
Harvey Silverglate is the coauthor, with Alan Charles Kors, of the
forthcoming book The Shadow University: The Betrayal of Liberty on
America's Campuses (Free Press, October 1998). Dan Kennedy can be reached at