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R: PHX, S: FEATURES, D: 02/17/2000, B: Seth Gitell,

Campaign 2000

Gore pledges support for domestic partnership

by Seth Gitell

As New York's Democratic primary race heats up, Vice-President Al Gore is reaching out to gay men and lesbians -- a sizable voting bloc in the Big Apple. Gore said February 16 that he still opposes "changing the institution of marriage from the way it has traditionally been understood." But he concedes that much more can be done to give legal recognition to domestic partnerships. He made his remarks February 16 during conference call with the New York-based Empire State Pride Agenda, which had endorsed Gore for president -- only the third time the group has endorsed a candidate for federal office.

"If elected president, I would appoint a working group or commission to look at how domestic partnerships should be recognized," Gore said. "I do support protections for domestic partners that will give the legal and economic benefits that accrue to marriage partners." Such a move would likely shift the Congressional debate over gay rights from employment non-discrimination to protections for gay relationships.

Gore described his proposed commission as "a good first step in moving quickly." He also praised the Vermont Supreme Court, calling its decision in favor of gay marriage rights "an excellent way to support the issue."

The only question is whether Gore's commission would do real work or turn out to be just another example of Clinton-style double talk.


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