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[Website of the Week]

They’re watching you


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Remember that late, drunken night you searched the Web for “speeches on how to do the Heimlich Maneuver on yourself”? Or that time you busted into your roommate’s room and he guiltily barked at you “What!?!” while abruptly clicking out of a computer window? Well, your roommate may’ve been prowling the Net for something incriminating like, “foot flirting without shoes” or “urinal sex security cams to view online.” And for your information, someone out there knows what both you and your roommate have been up to—and they’re having a good time watching.

If you too want to peep at some of the ridiculous, weird, and downright dirty things people seek out on the Web, check out On one recent day, phrases searched for included: “naked ravers Web site,” “things to say to your man,” “chipmunks in France,” “average height of young Dutch men,” and “used Tampax pictures.” But the humor in the Disturbing Search Requests site not only lies in what odd items people are looking for, but where search engines lead them. When one crafty Net surfer searched for “homemade vaginas how to make,” Google called up a site about a mom who makes Santa crafts.

The minds behind Disturbing Search Requests write smart remarks about the dupes who end up on the site after misguided searches -- and often the remarks are funnier than the search. And if you maintain a Web log, Disturbing Search Requests offers a “How To” guide to access referrer logs so you can see where your readers are coming from and how they are getting there. But for everyone else, the next time you think it’s a good idea to search for “blind date farts” or “young naked sexy twelve year olds in bikinis,” realize that someone is looking over your shoulder. And thanks to this site, that someone might be me.

Issue Date: April 30, 2001

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