Fat bottom girls
Big Burlesque's Fat Bottom Revue, plus a Harry Potter symposium and more
BIG BURLESQUE’S FAT BOTTOM REVUE. Talk about mud flaps, these girls have got ’em: San Francisco’s "plush and plus-sized burlesque" troupe teams up with Northampton’s Femmetastic Females, Boston’s Black Cat Burlesque, BCB wrasslin’ offshoot La Gata Negra, the Phat Fly Girls, and others for an evening of Rubens-esque ribaldry. That’s July 24 at the Milky Way, 405 Centre St, Jamaica Plain | $10 | www.truthserum.org "THE WITCHING HOUR: A HARRY POTTER SYMPOSIUM." When it comes to fantasy literature socials, there are academic conferences and then there are fan fairs. Unless you’re talking about Harry Potter. Perhaps it’s because the academics also seem to be some of the biggest Pottermaniacs, but "The Witching Hour" is a hybrid: pointy-headed types will be delivering papers on "Bucolic Bullionism: Economics in the Wizarding World" and "Virtue and Vice on the Hogwarts Faculty" while 1200 attendees mix and match at a Fall Festival, a Weird Sisters concert, and a Quidditch tournament on the common in the "only American location mentioned in the Harry Potter series." It runs October 6 through 10 in and around Salem | www.witchinghour.org. BUSYCLE PROJECT. As part of its revamped artist-in-residence program, Roxbury’s Berwick Research Institute has commissioned Boston’s Heather Clark and Vermont’s Matthew Mazzotta to build and operate a cheaper, more environmentally sound, and wackier alternative to MBTA buses. They’re working on a bicycle that seats 25. The finished prototype will run on a "socially responsive" schedule determined by Dudley Square residents. They’ll christen the Busycle on July 27 at the Berwick, 14 Palmer St, Roxbury | 617.442.4200 | www.busycle.com. "ANSEL ADAMS." You’ve seen his posters on the walls of pretentious BU sophomores; now the iconic black-and-white poet of silver gelatin and large-scale American naturalism gets a big-time Museum of Fine Arts retrospective. Drawn from the largest private collection of Adams photos, the exhibit includes famous images next to rare outtakes, as well as video of the artist in the field and in the darkroom. As with all MFA blockbusters, you’ll need an advance ticket issued for a specific date and time. "Ansel Adams" runs August 21 through December 31 at the MFA, 465 Huntington Ave, Boston | $22 | 617.542.4MFA.