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Soy bombs
By Nina Willdorf


When a salty craving sneaks up on you, it’s dangerously easy to dive for the Fritos or jump in bed with a bag of pretzels. But why do that when there’s a salty snack that’s actually healthful? Japanese soybeans, also known as edamame, come in little green pods that are often slightly dotted with salt. Not only are they delicious, but they sate the sodium craving without packing on the pounds or clogging up the arteries. The FDA says that a half-cup of the beans packs as much as 16 grams of soy protein, potentially lowering the risk of heart disease. And with all their boons, the beans aren’t bland or boring. That’s why edamame have long been the not-so-secret treat of health-conscious snackers.

As an appetizer, a small bowl of edamame is both tasty and fun to play with. Nibbling on a soft edamame pod leads to the thrill of victory when the teensy firm bean pops into your mouth. Try not to tear the outer shell while excavating the two to three beans bulging inside. With deep satisfaction, you then drop the depleted green pod into an expectant and swiftly filling bowl. Race you.

Bread & Circus carries half-pound containers of the fresh soybeans for $2.99.

Issue Date: March 22-29, 2001