
It was fitting that, on one of four flights chartered by Foo Fighters to Roswell (from LA, Minneapolis, Seattle, and NYC) last Saturday to see the band play for 500 fans in the small New Mexico town Dave Grohl grew up obsessed with, we were served Milky Way bars. Foo Fighters are named for an old military word for UFOs, and Roswell is home to the infamous "Hanger 51," where, in 1947, aliens reportedly crash-landed and were hidden away. That (well, Hangar 58) was where the Foos would perform later that evening. Alien-themed coloring books, neon prizes, and those Milky Way bars set the kitschy tone on the flight, as did the no-alcohol policy. One passenger who was asked the name of the Foos’ most recent album over a loudspeaker not only couldn’t come up with In Your Honor but hardly seemed to care. And he — like most of the passengers — had won a Foo Fighter trivia contest sponsored by the on-line music service Rhapsody. There were also a few Roswell residents invited, and rumor had it some 5000 out-of-luck locals were waiting somewhere near the base. One oversized, gray-haired Roswellian wearing a shirt that read "The Aliens Are Coming" told me that this was the most exciting thing to happen in town "since the crash of ’47." And as Grohl stood on the audience’s shoulders for the breakdown of the band’s 1999 hit "Stacked Actors," it seemed he was right.