There’s no shortage of white guys with unkempt hair singing about what it’s like to be a white guy with unkempt hair whose ability outstrips his ambition. And given the current employment crisis, it’s safe to assume that the grumbling will get only louder in the months ahead.
But though he’s white and often wears his hair like a brown wave, when Dismemberment Plan singer Travis Morrison admits to being underwhelmed on Change, the DC band’s new album, he does it in a voice unlike any of his peers’. "I’ve seen the world’s most beautiful women undress in ordinary solitude/I’ve fallen asleep in the shrift of distant satin," he sings on "Superpowers," a song that, like most of those on Change, is full of the angular guitars DC post-punk is known for, though it’s leavened with watery keyboard drones and Eric Axelson’s shapely, Motown-derived walking-bass lines. As 1999’s Emergency & I suggested, this group of reformed music geeks are getting good at setting that disaffected post-grad ennui against accomplished, sparkling guitar pop — if Change doesn’t give you goosebumps, you’re probably not listening close enough.