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Not U2
Q and Not U open for Interpol, plus Edie Sedgwick and more

Over the past couple of years, Dischord’s roster has finally made good on Fugazi’s infamous 1995 fatwa — "I realize I hate the sound of guitars" — as franchise players Q and Not U and upstarts El Guapo have taken to beatboxes and synthesizers like emerging democracies to grenade launchers and election fraud. DC artrock’s discoclash makeover has paid off for QANU, who landed the coveted opening slot on Interpol’s latest tour, which hits the Orpheum (617-931-2000) in Boston on Wednesday. And it may yet work for El Guapo, who recently changed their name to Supersystem and defected to the republic of Touch and Go. (They’ll be in Boston at the Paradise on April 1, opening for Radio 4). But Superguaposystem’s Justin Moyer has undergone an even more drastic transformation in his new solo incarnation. Dolled up in cheap drag, cheaper cigarettes, and a manifesto worthy of the Make-Up, he’s taken the name of tragic Warhol-factory starlet Edie Sedgwick and recorded an album titled Her Love Is Real . . . But She Is Not (DeSoto), warbling trashy, ringtone-rocking electropop suites that call out more A-list celebs than Paris Hilton’s Sidekick. Each of the 14 tracks is named for a movie star — from "Martin Sheen" to "Haley Joel Osment"; Schwarzenegger actually gets two songs — with lyrics that grind Page 6 gossip and IMDB-style capsule film reviews into oblique semiotics without quite resolving an internal war between cynicism and sincerity. (From "Lucy Liu": "Girl power! Fight fight! Just kidding! Not kidding! Bullshit!") Best tune on the disc might be "Sally Field," where Moyer/Edie leaves the dance floor and kicks up a drone-guitar ruckus that briefly summons the ghost of another Warhol-factory staple: the Velvet Underground. Backed only by her iPod, Edie’s at T.T. the Bear’s Place (617-492-BEAR) in Cambridge on Sunday, opening for Saddle Creek’s Beep Beep, and at AS220 (401-831-9327) in Providence on Monday.

Matthew Modine didn’t make Edie’s list, but Montreal’s Pony Up! more than make up for that slight on their Pony Up! debut EP (Dim Mak), which rhymes the actor’s name with "blow-job queen" and "creamy jeans." Bringing back the sassy bite of ’90s cuddlecore in songs that parse like a tougher Tuscadero, or Cub invested with the Donnas’ libido, the all-lady quintet note in their musical mash note "Matthew Modine" that the Full Metal Jacket and Private School star is already married. "But are you into polygamy?" they ask, in a cloud of massing, group-hug harmonies. " ’Cause we are, like, totally free, and we could move to New York State, and go on lots of dates, and you could bring Phoebe Cates." This time around, however, the Pony girls will have to settle for bringing Pit Er Pat and Menomena to T.T.’s on Wednesday.

Issue Date: March 4 - 10, 2005
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