PRIDE 2003
Flagging enthusiasm?
Last Friday marked the official start of Gay Pride festivities in Boston, with the raising of the rainbow flag over City Hall Plaza shortly after noon. About 100 observers turned out for the event. Of these, though, just one was an elected City Hall official: Councilor John Tobin of West Roxbury helped turn the crank to haul up the American flag. Council president Michael Flaherty and at-large councilor Maura Hennigan each sent members of their staffs to the event, and District Eight councilor Michael Ross of the Fenway phoned in his regrets. Mayor Tom Menino, billed as a sponsor of the event, sent his liaison to the GLBT community, Jerome Smith, in his place. But given that the offices of the mayor and the city council were just a couple hundred feet from the lunchtime ceremony — organized by a community courted by most of these politicians come election time — why all the no-shows? The Phoenix called and asked; here’s what they said.
Paul Scapicchio, North End: " My stepson had a baseball game. He’s in the state championship — well, not anymore, they lost — they played the night before in Lowell. So this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, his senior year. My family is really important. I would have loved to be at the flag raising but I had to make a choice, and I opted for the family choice. I had it on my schedule and I did plan to be there. "
James Kelly, South Boston: Did not return phone calls.
Maureen Feeney, East Boston and Dorchester: Returned a phone call placed to her office — but we missed it.
Charles Yancey, Mattapan: " I’ve missed quite a few flag raisings and attended quite a few flag raisings. I wasn’t boycotting it. I was not snubbing the event. I had about five events scheduled for that time. I was at Deerfield Elementary School, where I had made a commitment to my pen pal. I certainly encourage people to celebrate Gay Pride week. I have no problem with that at all. I have a hearing today concerning the human-rights ordinance which I was a co-sponsor of. I was co-sponsor of that law that was voted in the mid 1980s to provide additional guarantees against sexual discrimination. "
Rob Consalvo, Roslindale: Did not return phone calls.
Chuck Turner, Roxbury: " I wasn’t able to attend because of other commitments that had been made that day. So I was at another meeting at that time, and it’s no way a reflection on my support for Gay Pride week and the continuing struggle to make sure everyone is treated with decency and respect. "
Mike Ross, Back Bay/Beacon Hill: " I was very explicit about having them mention where I was. I was at the Harvard Medical School groundbreaking, which is in my district. My name was mentioned as not being there for the flag raising but going to be there for the Bellingham tavern. I went directly over there, said hello to some of the leaders in the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender community — a lot of people I’ve worked with on legislation issues, whether it be transgendered issues or anti-DOMA issues, letters to the State House, and other issues important to this community. "
Jerry McDermott, Allston-Brighton: Did not return phone calls.
Michael Flaherty, at large: " I was at the reception and I was en route but got stuck in traffic on I-93. We called ahead to see if they would be willing to hold it, and they weren’t. My staff members were present in my place. When I got here it was just ending, so I accompanied the folks from the flag raising over to the reception. It’s the first flag raising that I’ve missed since I’ve joined the council. I was coming back from a senior-citizen event [in Randolph].... I will be there at the parade and at the tree lighting. Friends are having house parties.... I’m an annual participant at the street dance. "
Felix Arroyo, at large: " I don’t remember what happened in my calendar. When I noticed that [the flag raising], I was really sorry I wasn’t there. I actually supported a resolution that the city council opposes H3190 [the anti-gay-marriage law] and any efforts to discriminate against gay men and women. It’s going to be submitted today. It will hopefully be approved tomorrow. I have seven other councilors already signed to it. It’s eight of us, which is more than the majority. "
Maura Hennigan, at large: " I had my staff there. I was at a senior-citizen meeting. We had two staff people down there. Unfortunately, it was the annual Parkway senior-citizen meeting and it was in Randolph. It was at exactly the same time. So I made sure I had staff people there. "
Stephen Murphy, at large: Did not return phone calls.
Issue Date: June 13 - 19, 2003
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