Up, down, out, and back
The Narco News Bulletin is back. A little more than two months after he stopped posting new material to the three-and-a-half-year-old Web site (located at www.narconews.com), Al Giordano has announced that he’ll soon resume publishing, in large measure because of a $30,000 matching grant from the Tides Fund for Drug Policy Reform. Giordano — a veteran media and political activist and former Boston Phoenix staffer — also announced the establishment of a Fund for Authentic Journalism, which is intended to pay for the operation of Narco News and a related project, the School for Authentic Journalism. Narco News covers the US war on drugs from an anti-prohibition, Latin American perspective (see "Media," This Just In, October 17). Details of Giordano’s latest comeback are online at the Narco News Web site.