As a 22-year-old goth nightclub with a dress code that advises, "When in doubt, just wear black," ManRay holds a special place in our hearts. It’s also the only club where we’ve ever seen a leather-clad bouncer turn a black-swaddled man away because the soles of his shoes were white. So it’s sad to deliver the news that the goth/fetish/gay/industrial haunt in Central Square will be closing on July 30. As it happens, the landlord wants to develop the property, and the nightclub’s getting the boot. But operations manager Matthew Gleason insists that the self-described "home to the Boston underground" isn’t closing for good: ManRay will return in a few months, he promises, in a new space under the same name. Since word got out about the club’s shuttering, Gleason says ManRay has been inundated with old regulars who wanted to see the place one last time. "A lot of married couples met in my club," explains Gleason, "so we’ve had a people come out of the woodwork and ask if they could take photos in the corners where they met. It’s amazing." Gleason’s also looking forward. "Everybody’s going to be ripping stuff off the walls," he says. Like drag queens lugging urinals out of the bathroom? "Yeah. We’re kind of scratching our heads, thinking, ‘I can’t believe we’re going to be here for this.’" ManRay will be open through Saturday, July 30 at 21 Brookline Street, Cambridge | 617.864.0400.