There are plenty of ways of getting exercise, through breathing and movement, that don't involve machines BY NINA MACLAUGHLIN
Net losses
Using the Web to lose weight and get fit BY KIM WEIDMAN |
Sayonara, ‘on the side’
Local restaurants offer dishes that are healthy enough as is BY RUTH TOBIAS |
How do you spell relief?
When it comes to beating stress, more and more people are seeking out alternative treatments BY DAVID VALDES GREENWOOD |
Bearing witnesses
‘Earth medicine’ man Byron Utah Jordan may come off like a New Age quack, but clients claim he’s helped cure cancer BY CAMILLE DODERO
Feed yourself
It’s not just your stomach crying out for something tasty; your skin just might want some sustenance, too BY NINA WILLDORF
Creature comfort
Local spas pamper the body to soothe the soul BY TAMARA WIEDER
Weighty issues
In a world that’s all about More and Faster, what’s to become of diet and nutrition? BY RUTH TOBIAS
Head East
Your primary-care physician might not be the only one who can cure your body’s woes. Why not explore the world of alternative health? BY NINA WILLDORF
Gym dandies
Want to know what’s new at your local health club these days? Here’s a hint: it’s not just exercise.