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Monday, May 16, 2005
OKAY, ONE MORE. Conservative
blogger LaShawn Barber gives
the game away right
Let me clear up one thing.
Whether Americans flushed the Koran down the toilet is
irrelevant. Newsweek should not have reported it,
even if true. It's common sense, people. Those journalists
knew how Muslims would react! Why would you hurt your own
country and risk more deaths just to report this "fact?" To what
Just in case anyone was unclear on
the agenda. Whatever it is, it's not about the truth.
Barber also links to
report on Radio Equalizer
that Boston's WRKO Radio (AM 680) has decided to cancel the
Newsweek on the Air program in response to the
Guantánamo fallout. (If you cancel a program that no one has
ever actually heard ... well, never mind.)
WRKO program director Mike Elder
tells the Equalizer that he was preparing to dump the show anyway,
but the current situation "led me to move forward more quickly than
originally planned."
This is a station that gives
knuckle-dragging hatemonger Michael
Savage 15 hours of airtime
every week. Can we please get real about what's going on
posted at 2:28 PM |
Facts are stupid things spake that towering intellect, Ronald Reagan. Is it remotely possible to be surprised by the babble percolating from the GOP cesspool? Not in this ostrich society.
Problem is, the global acceptance of our national language as vacuous garbage is now, a fact.
Dan: By the far the bigger story today is the fact that the NY Times, beginning in September, will cost $50@year for on-line access. That's huge. 100 years from now nobody is going to remember this Newsweek story - but historians of the media will certainly recognize the moment that "the newspaper of record" put up a curtain.
Name us the person or persons murdered because of something Michael Savage said or wrote? Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.
BTW, I'm based in Mass., if you didn't realize that.
Bake - I don't know as if the NYT decision rates high in the annals of media history. And besides, they've got three and a half months to realize they've made a mistake.
No question that Savage is a neanderthal but I'd be a bit careful about guilt by association, given some of the Phoenix's advertising decisions. Either we believe in freedom of speech or we don't.
Savage is a wealthy "Neanderthal" for all of you good folks in your Ivory Towers of political correctness and obscure web-blogs.
WRKO is also the station you've appeared on countless times. Dont' be a jackass.
Somewhere in the dwindling gray matter the perception lingers that the NYTimes originally came online as subscription service. Don't recall specifics, but am pretty certain of the fact.
Dan Kennedy is senior writer and media critic for the Boston Phoenix.