Taking the Prize
Boston Globe op-ed columnist Scot Lehigh (in the interests of full disclosure, a friend) and WTKK-FM "Extreme Games" talker/ranter Jay Severin just plain don't like each other.
And their heated public battles have quite a history to them.
Now I've got a dog in this fight. Given a faceoff between an intelligent newspaper columnist and a ratings-driven radio shouter, I'll take the former 99 times out of 100. So here's Lehigh today doing a little old-fashioned digging into Severin's rather astounding claim that he won a Pulitzer Prize.
It's true that words are a cheap and plentiful commodity on talk radio -- and there seems to be a sense that once uttered, they simply vanish into the stratosphere. But it's nice to see someone held to account for them every once in a while. And if Severin won a Pulitzer, I was the American League MVP last year.
And their heated public battles have quite a history to them.
Now I've got a dog in this fight. Given a faceoff between an intelligent newspaper columnist and a ratings-driven radio shouter, I'll take the former 99 times out of 100. So here's Lehigh today doing a little old-fashioned digging into Severin's rather astounding claim that he won a Pulitzer Prize.
It's true that words are a cheap and plentiful commodity on talk radio -- and there seems to be a sense that once uttered, they simply vanish into the stratosphere. But it's nice to see someone held to account for them every once in a while. And if Severin won a Pulitzer, I was the American League MVP last year.
I watch Manny Ramirez
I cheer for Manny Ramirez.
You Sir, are no Manny Ramirez
Vladimir Who-rero?
Yes, and according to an article some guy wrote in the Globe, Air America's WKOX/WXKS isn't on after sunset. The writer didn't even bother to check the WKOX/ WXKS website to see whether or not they broadcast after sunset (they do).
Writer's name...Mark something-or-
other. But agreed on Jay Excedrin.
so I am supposed to take as fact the writings of some jurk (sic) who writes for a paper that is nothing but a front for escort services?
I had no respect for Jerkowitz when he was on WRKO and trust me his on air stlye was nothing to put on a demo tape, his tenure at the Boston Globe was laughable, Ombudsman... talk about
being sent to your room with no dinner... how was that gig answering for all the screw ups over there.
while you toil for Mr Maria Lopez, Severino has signed with Infinity Broadcasting to go nationwide. He must be doing something right.
As I understand it, Severin is one of the better customers of those escort services. Read all about it on Drudge.
Wow, talk about killing the messenger.
"Jurk," as you call him has been on the news\media scene for 20 years.
I recall no scandals or questions of his work being brought up.
If you don't like him, don't read him.
But try to address the fact that "the best and the brightest," have been listening to someone for six years whose resume was so fake he could have been the head of FEMA.
Not to mention the fact that his hateful tones and terms have made him so horrid, it has been the subject to news stories.
Mind you, not his ideas, they are what they are, but terms like "wetback" and calls for killing Muslims.
Mark J. didn't write that stuff, so focus your comments of Severin's conduct.
This Jerk sounds like one of thos Best and Brightest lackeys sticking up for another yahoo.
However misguided and irritating the Globe can be, Id' trus their brand of journalism ANYDAY over Infinity's army or WTKK's greedy/seedy ways. The latters's priority is being priftable and flashy bombastic morons attracting ratings first before any decent journalist gets to be put on their airwaves.
If you are a journalist, you don't have many choices for work in this town. I have no problem with Mark's work in the Globe, except that he wasn't visible enough and didn't write enough given the many many items that come up and constant action in the field in this town.
Mindich is very annoying. Maria Lopwez in intolerable. The Phoenix needs tons of improvement and complete editorial scrubbing #. However, this corner has garnered great attention and respect in the last couple of yearsa and has a more distinct audience than the escorts firms' you mention, thanks to Dan.
Mark is one of the very few people to take the baton for Dan and I welcome the choice.
Good luck Mark. We are glad you have a great forum and an avid public.
Never mind this blind moron.
He's probably suffering from Severin withdrawal since that coward has ducked the airwaves for the last few days. Either does not have the courage to face and respond to the new accusations and is finally way too embarrassed or is way too happy to stick the finger to Boston listeneres now that he has his new contract and audience. (" F#ck you Boston, I got what I was after. Sorry I may have used you but couldn't wait to get the heck out of here")
Where is f##ing Matt Mills now?? Still hiding again under a desk??
What a cowardly organization and listener base - the Jay-adoring one.
Sorry for the typos and misspellings in the above 9:48 PM post.
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