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Gay marriage victory Proposed amendment defeated at Con Con, but the war continues BY DEIRDRE FULTON
A sheep in wolf's clothing?
Courting disaster
Familiar ring
The day we are given
Moving forward
Monday, March 29:
Phoenix staff writers report from in and around the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention.
Click here for a photo essay of the March 29 protests outside the State House.
The Catholic war against gay marriage
Same-sex banns in Boston?
Gays win huge victory!
Thursday, March 11:
Phoenix staff writers report from in and around the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention.
Been there, done that I’m getting married in May, when the 180-day waiting period imposed by the state’s high court on same-sex marriages ends. But I won’t be having a wedding.
The Massachusetts Constitutional Convention:
Safe for now.
Thursday, February 12: Phoenix staff writers report from in and around the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention.
The Massachusetts Constitutional Convention:
Grading the legislative debate.
The Massachusetts Constitutional Convention:
What a freak show: debating democracy and religion at the State House.
The Massachusetts Constitutional Convention:
"Professional" antigays were on their best behavior.
Wednesday, February 11: Phoenix staff writers report from in and around the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention.
Video of the protesters. (Quicktime required)
Click here to view Kelly Davidson's photo gallery from the convention.
Click here to view Dan Kennedy's photo gallery from the convention.
Read the full text of the February 3 decision declaring civil unions not an adequate subsitute to marriage.
Read the full text of the November 18 SJC ruling in Goodridge v. Department of Public Health.
It's marriage! The state's high court says civil unions won't do. What will the legislature do?
Fighting on several fronts In the aftermath of the SJC ruling, civil unions take on civil marriage, and DOMA initiatives confront the state Constitution
Cambridge backs down It won’t issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples just yet. But city officials have asked the legislature to support the SJC’s ruling on marriage
Embrace the wedge The conventional wisdom says that same-sex marriage will unite Republicans and divide Democrats. But that can cut both ways.
Hearing wedding bells The proof of the strength of the SJC’s ruling lies in the weakness of its dissenting opinions
Next stop, Beacon Hill Expect the debate on gays and marriage to get real ugly, real fast
Making mud out of history Network and cable newscasts struggled to understand the import of Tuesday’s SJC ruling. Why are we not surprised?
Reaction Gay marriage and the Puritan kernel
GLAD The plaintiffs rejoice
Conservative opposition The right mobilizes
City government A majority of city councilors backs SJC decision
A Phoenix editorial
Reality check
Answering lies and half-truths in the gay-marriage debate
Rome casts its ballot The Vatican’s current stance on same-sex-marriage legislation resurrects church/state issues put to rest by JFK four decades ago
Over the rainbow
Gay-movement organizers obsessed with fighting for same-sex marriage seem to have forgotten their roots in a quest for a more liberated world, one they shared with feminists who viewed marriage as hopelessly patriarchal
The rite stuff
What’s the surprise issue of the 2004 presidential race? Try same-sex marriage.
To have and to hold
Seven couples who may just change the world: Meet the plaintiffs in Goodridge et al.
The case for same-sex marriage
The public is increasingly receptive; it’s politicians who resist. As goes Canada, so goes the world?
Gay marriage: Will the SJC follow the law or cave in to politics?
Seven same-sex couples have sued for the right to marry in Massachusetts. Their case is now before the state’s highest court, and the outcome could transform family law.
Out of focus
In the final dash to Election Day, Democratic gubernatorial nominee Shannon O’Brien champions gay rights. Is that what suburban-independent voters want?
Standard deviation
Do ‘community standards’ bar the publishing of gay-wedding announcements? Or are major newspapers simply rubber-stamping the comfortable status quo?
Vision quest
From the House’s stale response to the budget crisis to the reactionary superior-court ruling on gay marriage, state government needs a fresh approach. How about biking to work?
Dean of fairness
Populist pursuits
Why is Tom Reilly working to prevent gay and lesbian couples from marrying?
Gay-rights activists pack it in
Speaking truth to the homophobic right
Move to the left
A progressive agenda for Ninth Congressional District candidates
A more perfect union
Forget Will & Grace: The great same-sex-marriage debate underscores how much civil progress has lagged behind cultural acceptance
Finneran’s puppet
House Ways and Means chairman John Rogers must go
Finneran supports anti-gay bill
Nice day for a gay wedding
GLAD files gay-marriage lawsuit
Gay warrior moves on
Wrong again
Gay bashing, Vermont style
Despite Governor Howard Dean's surprise victory, Vermont voters did uncivil things to the legislators who approved civil unions
Thunder On The Right
What is wrong with Stanley Kurtz
Social experiment Vermont really is different from the rest of the country. And that's why we aren't going to see gay marriage -- or its facsimile -- in any other state for years to come.
An important precedent
Vermont should grant full marriage rights to same-sex couples
Campaign 2000
Gore pledges support for domestic partnership
Family values
The Supreme Judicial Court's rulings on gay and lesbian rights are encouraging. Now the legislature -- and Governor Cellucci -- need to act.
Rites & wrongs
A bill to ban gay marriage brings a controversial civil-rights debate to Massachusetts
Family values
Winning the right to marry is long-term civil-rights struggle
Family values
Gay and lesbian couples deserve the same rights as everyone else
Send it back
Gays and lesbians may get an unwanted wedding gift: the adultery taboo
Marry Christmas
The Hawaii marriage ruling was the right decision for the wrong reason
Webbed bliss
The World Wide Web is packed with info on gay marriage
Bad for business
A rush to marry Mr. Right will ruin the Queer National Product
One down, 49 to go?