The Phoenix Personals

Place Your FREE Perfect Personal

Fill out this form and hit "submit" and we'll write the personal for you! We'll send you a copy of the ad via E-mail for your approval.

Your FREE Personal will appear in the next printed version of The Boston Phoenix Personals as well as here on-line. For verification purposes, on-line Personals will not appear immediately, but will run in conjunction with the printed version.

Please Note: Personal advertisers living outside of the New England area are required to note their location (state, or country if outside the US) in their printed personal.

Online Perfect Personals Form

Pick a Catagory From:
Women Seeking Men
Women Seeking Women
Men Seeking Women
Men Seeking Men

1. Age:

2. Gender:

3. Hair color/eye color/or best physical attribute:

4. Three adjectives that describe your personality:

5. Movie that you've seen six times and would see again:

6. CDs that never leave your CD player:

7. Type of food that makes your mouth water:

8. Things you love to do when you're not busy making a living:

9. It's a Friday night. What would you like to do?:

10. Qualities that are most desirable in someone else:

11. If you were to write your memoirs, what would the title be?:

12. Movie, literary, or TV Character you identify with:

13. Interesting tidbits about yourself:

14. Age range:

15. Long Term Relationship, Casual, Dating:

Confidential Info

Your Personal will not run without it.

Personal Information is required in order to verify the authenticity of your Personal. All information is kept completely confidential and is for internal use only.


Address Line 1:

Address Line2:


State: Zip Code:

Home Phone:

Or Work Phone:

Birth Date:

E-mail (optional):

That's it! Within a few days you will receive, through snail mail, instructions on recording your voice greeting and other information. Now, just click to submit your Personal!

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