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Interview: Bill Maher

By CHRIS FARAONE  |  October 15, 2009

Your filmReligulous became the seventh-highest-grossing documentary ever. What did that tell you about the future of religion in America?
I think it says that things are changing, and it's the beginning of a long farewell. But for now, religion is still affecting everything from foreign policy to the congressional debate about global warming. Some politicians think the world is only going to end when God ends it, and that man can't end the world. If you're starting with that premise, then the discussion is over before it even begins.

Are liberals pussies in the face of all that?
If they act like pussies, then they are pussies. And that's so often how they act — they back down without making the counter argument. I don't know what's wrong with them. Part of it is that they're nicer people. They're not amoral putzes like Karl Rove.

What's your advice for Obama?
I'd tell him to stop trying to be liked so much; he's too willing to meet the crazies halfway. Some people are never going to like him — he's the wrong color, the wrong age, and the wrong party for them. That's why they voted for Old Man McCain and Cruella DeVil to run the country.

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Related: Slideshow: Mogwai live at the Wilbur Theatre, A real blast, Interview: John Oliver, More more >
  Topics: Comedy , Barack Obama, Politics, Ann Coulter,  More more >
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