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Slideshow: Tattoo you

Some of Boston's best tattoos
By PHOENIX STAFF  |  July 25, 2008

Inspired by the Peabody Essex Museum’s current exhibition on Maori tattoos, we raised a call to adventurously inked souls in Boston. You sent in photos — from the artistic to the sadistic — along with quotes about what your body art means to you. A panel of tattoo artists (plus Darkbuster’s Lenny Lashley) judged the entries.


I have always been a diehard sox fan and I always wanted a Red Sox Tattoo to show I wasn't a Bobby Bandwagon fan with an average tattoo. So I got a half sleeve of what is heaven on earth, Fenway Park and the backround of Fenway and both the 2004 and 2007 world series banner.  My name is Paul and I'm from Weymouth Mass.

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  Topics: Lifestyle Features , Peabody Essex Museum , Cat Power , Jesus Christ ,  More more >
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