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Astrological musings on our next President and other political movers and shakers
By SYMBOLINE DAI  |  December 30, 2008


"It is the stars,

The stars above us, govern our conditions."

Kent, King Lear, IV, iii

Why Hillary will be a great Secretary of State
She’s a Scorpio. Scorpios are strategic. She’s got a lot of patience when it comes to understanding underlying economic issues (Jupiter in Sagittarius in the second house). She’ll be strong about keeping the focus of her new office on women’s and children’s issues (moon in Pisces in the fifth house), as well as on sovereign concerns. And she’ll be quite prepared to deal with the dozens and dozens of macho despot tyrants she’ll encounter — after all, she’s been married for decades to her rambunctious Leo mate.

Stressful times for Hillary: Secretary Clinton’s staff may want to jot down some dates in their Blackberries: February 7 through 10, April 13 through 16, June 1 through 5, and October 18 through 25. These four periods will be times when it might be best to just get out of Hillary’s way. Those who know her may find her impatient and inconsistent on these 21 days. Though she has been, in the occasional interval, in lockstep with the Zeitgeist, as someone born with natal Mercury retrograde, Hillary has more typically spent years and years being misunderstood by the masses.

Another Leo president. That's what we're getting with Barack Obama, and it's even good news on an astrological level. Never mind that our earliest First Lions were weaklings like Benjamin Harrison (who got the national budget up to $1 billion), and Herbert Hoover (on whose watch occurred that other ghastly stock-market crash). History has not been kind to Hoover — admit it, even playing word association with his name, you immediately think "Dam" or "suck." Despite his other shortcomings, however, Hoover actually had the right idea about how to fix the country's problems, but just lacked political capital and ability (admittedly, big red flags on any political resume). And, with Aquarian (the avatar of optimism in that era) FDR coming along, he never had a chance.

So, why should we be grateful to have a Leo back in the Oval Office? For one thing, Leo, a fixed fire sign, is the sign of kings and public relations. The boilerplate on the big cat is that those born under its sign are confident and charming, and don't hesitate to step up to lead. Generally, what you see is what you get with these people, and Leo leaders tend to have compelling personalities. Public acclaim doesn't confuse or annoy them — it's just part of the cost of doing business.

The showbiz lions and lionesses that immediately come to mind are Mick Jagger, Madonna, and Martha Stewart. You know, on a personal level, that they're probably narcissistic sociopaths of the highest order, but they get the job done, to their own satisfaction.

And, after eight years of Bush, a Cancer (astrologically, we mean), God knows we need the clarity. Cancer's symbol is the crab, and W. has showcased the absolutely rock-bottom worst 1 attributes of that sign, from the shifty affect, to the relentless defensive posture, to the ghastly and tragic loyalties that have dominated his administration. How long did it take Bush the Lesser to take Rummy out of the picture, anyway? Lord help us, that gratulating war criminal had been rolling around since the Ford administration. That's way too much loyalty.

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3 Comments / Add Comment

Doug Carr

I was stunned to see a cover story profile on Barack Obama’s Astrological forecast! Has the Phoenix lost its collective mind? While some might dismiss the story as a light, holiday-week piece, I am disturbed by giving any credence at all to the fraud that is Astrology. Let’s be blunt: Astrology is a stupid, discredited pseudoscience that traffics in ignorance and superstition. The very idea that the position of the sun, moon and planets at the time of our birth has ANY affect on determining our personalities or destinies is beyond stupid – it is reckless.

We live in a country where a MAJORITY of its citizens believe in angels, biblical literalism (i.e. the earth is only 6,000 years old) and other stupid myths that belong more in the middle ages than in the 21st century, while denying evolution and science. Why is this a problem? Because an ignorant citizen rarely makes an informed choice. And the Phoenix’s choice to showcase Astrology on its cover is nothing less than endorsing ignorance.

I frankly expected more from a quality alternative newspaper like the Phoenix that had provided excellent, in-depth coverage of the 2008 Election from start to its glorious finish.

Doug Carr

Posted: January 03 2009 at 8:21 PM


doug, think about it. look at and like most of us are doing, view it as the fading grasp of a decaying society. yuk...

Posted: January 05 2009 at 6:04 PM


"Informed choice?" Haven't we just had a year of financial leaders making informed choices, all of which were wrong? Maybe if they'd practiced something I see in astrology columns so often (advice to use restraint, be careful, use caution, think again) they and we would all be better off. How can following a random symbolic system that encourages balance and harmony really make things worse?
Posted: February 05 2009 at 8:40 PM
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