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Boston Music News: June 30, 2006

Notes on Scott Janovitz
By SARAH TOMLINSON  |  June 27, 2006

Scott Janovitz
Former JAKE BRENNAN AND THE CONFIDENCE MEN organist SCOTT JANOVITZ, brother of Buffalo Tom’s Bill Janovitz, is busy taking center stage with two of his own projects. He handles all the songwriting duties for the RUSSIANS, an ever-changing collective of local talent. He’s close to wrapping up the band’s debut after recording 30 to 40 songs over the past four years at Moontower studios in Cambridge, which he co-owns. You can listen to their self-described “sissy boy slap party” at, or catch them at the Paradise Lounge next Friday, July 7. “A friend of mine posted a note on the Myspace page that said the songs make him feel like he’s floating,” Janovitz says. “That’s pretty much what I’m going for. I do a lot of recording and obsessing over those songs at home, late at night, frequently under the influence.” . . . One of Janovitz’s major distractions of late has been his side project the GREAT BANDINI, in which he trades songwriting and vocal duties with Confidence Men guitarist ERIC BARLOW. The group recorded three songs at Moontower in February and March. They’ve just sold “One on One” to Toyota, and they plan to use the money to fund more recording and possibly press copies of these songs. Barlow relocated to Brooklyn in March, so don’t expect any live dates soon. But check for music. “I think the Bandini are a little more rock and the Russians are a little more roll,” says Janovitz.

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