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Top Ten Boston CDs: week of July 23, 2006

As reported by Newbury Comics
By EDITORIAL  |  July 24, 2006

Some Girls’s Juliana Hatfield
1_ Dane Cook, Harmful If Swallowed [Comedy Central]
2_ Guster, Ganging Up On The Sun [Reprise]
3_ Dane Cook, Retaliation [Comedy Central]
4_ 7l & Esoteric, A New Dope [Babygrande]
5_  Shadows Fall, Fallout From The War [Century Media]
6_ Various Artists, WFNX Wicked Good Boston Bands, Volume 2
7_  Mr. Lif, Mo’ Mega [Definitive Jux]
8_ Some Girls, Crushing Love [Koch]
9_  D-Tension, Contacts & Contracts Ii [Brick]
10_ Dresden Dolls, Yes, Virginia . . . [Roadrunner]


Related: My Best Friend's Girl, Top 10 local CDs: August 6, Top Ten Boston CDs: week of June 25, 2006, More more >
  Topics: New England Music News , Dane Cook, Dresden Dolls, Entertainment,  More more >
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