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Boston music news, October 12, 2007

Notes on Chad Perrone, Dinosaur Jr., and the Baseball Tavern's upcoming schedule
By JIM SULLIVAN  |  October 9, 2007
Chad Perrone

Haverhill-based singer-songwriter CHAD PERRONE left AVERI just after the Boston group played a sold-out show at Avalon in November 2005. Formed at Suffolk University in 1998, the pop-rock band were on their way up. But Perrone wanted to step aside and make a solo record, and Averi wanted to continue with a new singer. The parting was not amicable. “I knew what was in store upon leaving,” says Perrone, who’s just begun recording his second solo CD. “I didn’t have any delusions of grandeur. I wasn’t going to be starting from scratch, but I wasn’t going to be at the same place as I was at the peak of the band. But I’m so happy where I’m at now. I signed a publishing deal; I do music full-time. I’m content in my little place in the music world.” Used To Dream, which came out in May of last year, is a buoyant, melodic soft-rock effort, but some lyrics are self-questioning to the point of self-denigration. “That’s when I turn to music, when I have questions about what I’m doing in life. I don’t know too many people who don’t make wrong choices. Is it weird I admit to making wrong choices? It’s what a songwriter does.” Perrone, who plays Harpers Ferry October 19 with a backing quartet, will draw equally from the Averi catalogue, Used To Dream, and his upcoming disc. . . . DINOSAUR JR., who played the Harvard Square Urban Outfitters on the Yaris “Free Yr Radio” tour, have an obscure B-side, “Yer Son,” on the 14-track Free Yr Radio CD, which comes out October 20. . . . Martin Doyle, who’s been booking the BASEBALL TAVERN, has moved shows he intended for the October schedule. The club is holding off on live music for the duration of the playoffs, but general manager Adam Hawk says, “We fully anticipate picking it back up again.” The new locations for Doyle’s shows are posted at




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