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Heresy and the Hotel Choir | Flameshovel
By MIKAEL WOOD  |  November 19, 2007
2.5 2.5 Stars
The third album by this affable Milwaukee quartet is their handsomest, most assured outing yet. But that doesn’t mean Maritime have distinguished themselves to the point that the first few sentences of any review of Heresy and the Hotel Choir will fail to mention that the line-up includes two former members of the Promise Ring, one of the late-’90s emo scene’s brightest lights. Frontman Davey von Bohlen is writing songs in the same jangly, up-tempo mode he stuck to during the Promise Ring days, and his telltale vocal lisp doesn’t make the job of creating something new and different any easier. But perhaps that’s not what drives him and his bandmates — these dozen tunes certainly don’t seem weighed down by any great artistic ambition. And that’s no knock: “For Science Fiction,” “Hand Over Hannover,” and “Guns of Navarone” (in which von Bohlen cheerfully announces that “sticks and stones might break my skin and bones”) provide familiar guitar-pop pleasures that aren’t likely to go out of style any time soon.

Maritime + The One A.M. Radio + The Soft Drugs | Middle East upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge | November 28 | 617.864.EAST
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