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Boston music news: August 1, 2008

Notes on the Living Sea, Hangman's Alphabet, and the Luxury
By MICHAEL BRODEUR  |  July 29, 2008

The Living Sea

Two promising local indie-rock up-and-comers have up and come out with new CDs for your enjoyment. The LIVING SEA are preparing for the release of their new Madeline EP, a five-track spread of lush guitar textures, explosive rhythms, and vocals that soar through the din like a bottle rocket. They’ll drop the good stuff this Saturday, August 2, at Great Scott, joined by LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, SHORE LEAVE, and MR. NI$E. . . . Across town at P.A.’s Lounge next Thursday, August 7, the (just proggy enough) HANGMAN’S ALPHABET will kick off a short East Coast tour with a release party for their spanking new and somewhat mysterious debut full-length — bring your own album title. They’ll be joined by NOW DENIAL, A.R. PLOVNICK, and ARCHELON. . . . Finally, you can all stretch out of your fetal positions and resume life as you once knew it: the competition is over and COLDPLAY have selected the LUXURY as the openers for their August 4 show at the TD Banknorth Garden. For those bands still stung that Chris Martin issued no gooselike honks of approval over their demo submissions, you can take solace in knowing that the Luxury will now cease and desist from sending you mewling e-mails every 10 minutes pleading for your vote.

  Topics: New England Music News , Chris Martin , Coldplay , Entertainment ,  More more >
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