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Boston music news: August 29, 2008

Notes on Therefore I Am and Self-Righteous Brothers.
By MICHAEL BRODEUR  |  August 26, 2008

Therefore I Am

Attn, emo nation: prepare to claw at your tear-streaked cheeks with joyous envy, for local heartthrobs THEREFORE I AM have shown sufficient leg to get themselves signed to Albany’s esteemed EQUAL VISION RECORDS. They’ll be collaborating with the one, the only MIKE POORMAN (ex–HOT ROD CIRCUIT) on their full-length debut, which is set for release next spring. Visit to watch a video announcement from the band members — and discover a few reasons why you should never let them cook for you. . . . Fans of the SELF-RIGHTEOUS BROTHERS, listen up: they’re taking a little time off from the East Coast. Drummer/singer JAKE HALL is up and moving to Man Francisco (as de facto frontman MAX KOEPKE puts it). Fear not: the band ain’t kaput — they’ll be recording a new album out West and making a triumphant return to Boston in ’09. Blubber your goodbyes to them this Friday, August 29, at T.T. the Bear’s, where they’ll be joined by HELLO ECHO (featuring former APOLLO SUNSHINErSEAN ALYWARD), RONALD REAGAN (“Boston’s premier ’80s pop sax duo,” says Koepke), JAKE & JESSE’S DIGITAL SANTA (we have no idea but remain mildly apprehensive), and DINA VARSELONE.

Related: The New Alibis | Hard Promises, Year in Local Pop: Local motion, Last days of New Alliance, More more >
  Topics: New England Music News , Entertainment, Music, Pop and Rock Music,  More more >
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