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Best of Boston 2009

Review: Humcrush | Rest at World's End

Rune Grammofon (2009)
By DEVIN KING  |  January 13, 2009
2.0 2.0 Stars


Replete with bands who weave jazz, modern composition, and electronic music, the Rune Grammofon label captures a thriving scene of Norwegian improvisers and composers who work incessantly and incestuously. It makes sense, then, that Humcrush's second album should sound like a retread.

Both drummer Thomas Strønen and keyboardist Ståle Storløkken are well known for their work with other bands — Strønen plays with Food and Storløkken with Supersilent — and it's hard not to hear this record as an extension of their previous work. The CD collects 11 improvisations (there's another seven tracks on the vinyl version) that highlight the duo's strengths: Strønen is a graceful drummer who dissects (IDM style) groove-based beats highlighting the counter-rhythms at work in the spaces between downbeats, and Storløkken dabbles forcefully with chord-based melodies that explore odd synth patches and suggest mood rather than structure — think Aphex Twin's ambient works crossed with Wendy Carlos's Clockwork Orange soundtrack.

Gorgeous music, but the sounds and the techniques explored here are clean and comfortable, with no accidents to lead the musicians toward a new dialogue. On an improvised record, one might hope for a bit more risk.

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Re: Review: Humcrush | Rest at World's End
This is the bands 3rd record, not second. First they released Humcrush, then Hornswoggle, now Rest at worlds end. Great! :)
By trommas on 02/09/2009 at 9:53:21

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