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David Fiuczynski | KiF Express

Fuzelicious Morsels (2009)
By JON GARELICK  |  February 3, 2009
3.0 3.0 Stars
This latest album from Screaming Headless Torsos guitarist David Fiuczynski's KiF doesn't worry about subtlety — here are Arabic and Asian scales wedded to rock and funk beats, big, bold Day-Glo melodies, and cartoonish effects, like the hiccupping three-note riff that tags the theme of opener "Shiraz."

Fiuczynski has limitless technique and imagination — and as for taste, well, that's your problem. Squiggly runs, microtonal ecstasies, change-a-minute arrangements, and full-on power chords and rave-ups split the difference between Mahavishnu John McLaughlin and Steve Vai. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. "Almond Pear" begins with the dulcet Japanese koto tones suggested by the title before shifting into the big beats and amped volume. Likewise with the raga-like mode of "Phoenix Rising," which cuts to a punishing three-beat syncopation.

By the final two tracks, however, Fuze has mellowed out a bit. "Ek Balaam" drifts on a slow taffy pull of a beat with bassist Steve Jenkins and drummer Skoota Warner. And "Sakalahachi" even brings in guest Geni Skendo with his airy shakuhachi wood flute.

DAVID FIUCZYNSKI AND KIF | Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston | February 10 at 9 pm | free | 617.423.0069

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  Topics: CD Reviews , John McLaughlin, Steve Vai, Steve Vai,  More more >
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