June 20, 2009 | Comcast Center, Mansfield, MA
NO DOUBTÂ | June 20, 2009 | Comcast Center, Mansfield, MA | Photos: Carina Mastrocola
So we went a little overboard taking pictures of NO DOUBT and PARAMORE. Can you blame us? We spent the night trying to figure out if Gwen was at all jealous of the opening act's frontwoman, who has skated serenely through the rather large hole in the glass ceiling that Ms. Stefani plowed through, head-first, about a decade ago. There have been only a few awkward moments in No Doubt's reunion, most of them coming when the band tries to capture, in middle age, the mixture of surprise, naivete, and fresh air behind Gwen's teenage, google-eyed rendition of "Just a Girl." You won't find that note in Paramore's set, either. Hayley Williams never needed to feign amateurism, and by the age of 16 was fielding arena gigs and glossy-mag interviews with the stage presence of an old pro. Which doesn't mean she can't bring the kind of whiplash intensity you find only in kids under 21: keep clicking and you'll see her band pull off some acrobatics that haven't been seen since the glory days of glam metal on the Sunset Strip. (Note: we left a bunch of No Doubt outtakes at the end, after the Paramore shots.)
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