Phillipe + Jorge's arms are now stretched out about two feet longer than when they began the year from patting ourselves on the back for endorsing Barack Obama in this space prior to the Iowa caucus. The man just had something about him.
P&J have been more than a little upset that he has brought foxes like Larry Summers and Robert Rubin into his economic henhouse, and we are furious about having fat, flatulent, homophobic religious poseur Rick Warren giving the invocation at his inauguration — a ridiculous slap in the face to his strongest supporters. Why not invite Ann Coulter to lunch with Michelle as soon as you move in, Barry?
But in the big picture, Obama has given the country — and indeed a good deal of the world — reason to be optimistic about the future, despite the financial turmoil. It made for a year to look back on fondly, despite the fact that we face a long, hard slog out of this economic mess which the Clintons, Bushies, and Congress got us into.
And speaking of Dubya, no, we don't like the idea of our president having shoes fired at his head by some insolent Iraqi journalist — and not just because he missed. But it shows just how far the esteem of not only the office of president, but America in general, has fallen globally under this little silver spoon-fed moron.
Barack Obama's election has given us one leg up on returning to a position of being the number one place in the world to live, love, work, and play — the Golden Mountain, indeed. And despite how, with Summers, Rubin and Warren, the Big O has shown us he, too, can make some real dumb moves, it is up to us to use this springboard to get back to leading the parade again.
Step it off, boys and girls.
Phillipe + Jorge's simple solution to the fleecing of American taxpayers by Wall Street financial honchos and the auto industry is to duct tape shotguns to the heads of all the CEOs, march them out in public to confess before the media, then break their legs, and put them away for life in general population prison. See how that "master of the universe" shit flies in there. (And on another front, you know Blagojevich's little boy 'do will be quite a hit with the boys when he finally gets frog-marched off to the slammer.) But this, of course, would be wrong, as Tricky Dick Nixon liked to say.
However it might come to this — or it would have been possible if the leaders of Congress had not had the misfortune to be born without spines. While they agree to give away gajillions of your hard-earned dollars to these wing-tipped buccaneers, they don't have the balls to make their old white-boy, white-collar investment firm pals have any accountability whatsoever for how the money is being spent. And these billion-dollar beggars have essentially told federal agencies and the media, both of whom have had the gall to ask, and would like to know, where the public's bucks are going, to get stuffed.