As for doing all he can to make gay and lesbian citizens Americans in every sense of the word, Obama's record is shameful. Yes, his extension of some federal benefits to same-sex couples was welcome. However, his failure to end the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy is a betrayal, as is his failure to fight for the repeal of the odious Defense of Marriage Act. While Obama styles his preference for civil unions over full marriage rights as an act of personal conscience, it smacks of political expediency.
Then there is the vexing issue of health-care reform, which is in a category all of its own. Granted, passing such reform in this special-interest-laden country is a Herculean task. Likewise, congressional perversity has proven to be even more sociopathic than could be imagined. But that raises the question of whether Obama has contributed to the dysfunction by not waging more effective war on the true villains: the insurance industry and its publicly elected lackeys.
The bottom line is simple: Obama is good, just not as good as he promised to be — nor as effective as the nation needs him to be.
Change? What change?, Capuano for Senate, Reading is fundamentalist, More
- Change? What change?
Nice to see Goldman Sachs employee Barack "President" Obama get rolled by Gen. Stanley McChrystal so we can send more troops to Afghanistan on a hopeless mission.
- Capuano for Senate
After a telescoped campaign, Massachusetts Democrats go to the polls Tuesday to choose a successor to a legend, Ted Kennedy.
- Reading is fundamentalist
In 2009, liberals held firm control of the presidency, the US Senate, and the US House of Representatives. But there was one realm where conservatives dominated: the New York Times bestseller list.
- An Obama confidant on the surge in Afghanistan
Twenty-four hours before President Barack Obama announced a 30,000-troop escalation of the Afghan War, one of his key foreign policy advisors provided a view of the president’s thinking at Brown University.
- Trying times for Obama
It was only a matter of time before President Barack Obama turned into a deficit hawk. But it is a measure of the desperation sparked by Scott Brown's election to Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat that Obama hatched before the conclusion of the 2010 congressional elections and unveiled a spending freeze.
- Faltering steps forward
As in many other sectors, the green world in 2009 was marked as much by bluster as by tangible positive action.
- Does Scott Brown’s victory mean doom for RI Democrats?
Republican Scott Brown's stunning victory this week in the race for the late Ted Kennedy's Senate seat in Massachusetts has created something approaching panic in the ranks of Congressional Democrats.
- Time to end tolerance
I'd like you to think about something. Ever seen the bumper sticker: "Intolerance will not be tolerated"?
- Obama's year two to-do's
This week marks the one-year anniversary of Barack Obama's inauguration. Can you believe it?
- Is there 'hope' in Hollywood?
Buoyed by President Barack Obama's campaign slogan, many had hopes for change after his election.
- Department of conjecture
The Haiti disaster will not serve to turn a state from toss-up to safely Republican as the George W. Bush Administration's calculated response to Hurricane Katrina did in Louisiana.
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, Barack Obama, Barack Obama, U.S. Government, More
, Barack Obama, Barack Obama, U.S. Government, Politics, Politics, U.S. Politics, George W. Bush, Special Interest Groups, Afghanistan, U.S. Republican Party, Less