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How weird is Stephon Marbury?

By ADAM REILLY  |  March 10, 2009

And then I snapped out of it. For the Celtics' sake, and Marbury's, I truly hope he succeeds here. But Marbury has said all the right things before: in Minnesota, where he initially likened exec Kevin McHale to a surrogate father; when he was traded to the Nets, bringing him back near Coney Island; after joining Phoenix, when he claimed to be "rejuvenated"; with the Knicks, when he finally joined his real hometown team and got to play in Madison Square Garden.

If that doesn't happen here in Boston — and if the Celtics actually manage to win another championship this year — Rivers, the team, and Marbury himself will all deserve a great deal of credit. But I'd bet against this best-case scenario. New beginnings are Marbury's strong suit. It's what comes next that gives him trouble — and when the trouble starts, it tends to get very strange very quickly. So here's some friendly advice: brace yourself, Boston, for the next installment of the Starbury Show.

Adam Reilly lacks elite athleticism. He can be reached atareilly[a]

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