Click here for this week's Psycho Solution

Each of the 26 letters of the alphabet is represented in this grid by a number between 1 and 26. Using letter frequency, word-pattern recognition, and the numbers as your guides, fill in the grid with well-known English words. Only lowercase, un-hyphenated words are allowed, so you won’t see anything like “Stockholm†or “long-lost†in here (but you might see “Afghan,†since it has an uncapitalized meaning, too). It’s psychotic!
Review: Prince of Persia, Here Come the Hot Gaming Consoles!, So long, Master Chief, More
- Review: Prince of Persia
Pauline Kael titled one of her review compilations Kiss Kiss Bang Bang , saying that those four words (from a Japanese movie poster) captured the basic appeal of movies.
- Here Come the Hot Gaming Consoles!
Xbox 360 rocks. Microsoft's newly minted, next-generation game console is packed with a fire-breathing processor, an outlandish graphics processing unit, and high-definition TV outputs for blasting pixels onto huge HDTV screens. It even looks sweet, with a curvaceous, Apple-esque design that both soothes and entices. There can be no doubt: This month Xbox 360 will incite store riots and lure grown men into acts of depravity, just to have one by the end of 2005.
- So long, Master Chief
Halo is the great unifier of the video-game world, bringing together people of all stripes, from hardcore geeks to competitive jocks.
- Tempus fugit
What if you could do things over again?
- Sum Sudoku XXX
Psycho Sudoku!
- The old haunt
As a game reviewer, I have an obligation to inform you of the myriad problems with Silent Hill: Homecoming . Â
- Brain damage
Given all the trouble down here on Earth, it may just be a matter of time before we terrestrial residents begin to colonize space.
- Sexiest video-game studs of 2009
Video-game characters get more realistic all the time - and by more realistic, we mean sexier. This year offered a plethora of digital delights and graphical innovations, and although developers don't cater to their straight female and gay male audience nearly as much as they could, we still had no shortage of contenders for this list.
- Ace in the hole
Fairway Solitaire ought to come with a warning label.
- Retirement party
By Christmas, the battle lines will have been drawn in the next-gen console wars.
- Kakuro XXX - solution
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