- Review: Summer Blink
If autumn and your imminent mid-30s are starting make you feel too sluggish, static, or reasonable, you might consider viewing Summer Blink , a new Seacoast-area movie that limns volatility and sexual curiosity circa age 18.
- Fusing porn with high art
Porn in the form of prose and poems, along with sexy and graphic illustrations and photos, fill the pages of Salacious , a new magazine dedicated to erotic art and literature, the likes of which you may never have seen — at least not compiled in one place.
- The Big Hurt: Snoop goes 4G
Plus, Scott Walker's drift, Rick Ross's Tweet thuggery, Sting's Libya worries, Biebs's deep thoughts
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- Review: Summer Blink
If autumn and your imminent mid-30s are starting make you feel too sluggish, static, or reasonable, you might consider viewing Summer Blink , a new Seacoast-area movie that limns volatility and sexual curiosity circa age 18.
- Fusing porn with high art
Porn in the form of prose and poems, along with sexy and graphic illustrations and photos, fill the pages of Salacious , a new magazine dedicated to erotic art and literature, the likes of which you may never have seen — at least not compiled in one place.
- The Big Hurt: Snoop goes 4G
Plus, Scott Walker's drift, Rick Ross's Tweet thuggery, Sting's Libya worries, Biebs's deep thoughts
- Not tough enough?
Amid massive deficits and escalating pension problems, a certain tough guy chic has taken hold in State Houses across the country.
- Get back in the groove
For the casual music fan, the record store might seem an anachronism in the age of the iPod. And in a way, it is. That's no small part of the charm.
- Scott Walker | Bish Bosch
Scott Walker's late-period about-face is one of the strangest in the annals of pop music.
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, Scott Walker
, lesbians
, record store
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