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As his left-hand man, Hickey tapped Brendan Brennan, an ex-con who spent 11 years in federal prison for robbing an armored truck. "Me and [David] Burnsy both hate seeing ourselves on the screen," says Brennan, whose family has also been gutted by opiate addiction. "Johnny's different — he wants to be the next Matt Damon. But for every one of us, first and foremost this is all about the message. The violence is over the top, but that's real — the whole point of this movie is to open some eyes."

In his Tinseltown pursuits, Hickey is negotiating with Showcase Cinemas to feature Oxy Morons in additional theaters. Thanks to backers who contributed more than $1 million in the past year, the flick was given a meticulous post-production treatment, complete with special effects by Hydraulx, a Santa Monica studio that has tweaked productions including The A-Team and Avatar. Hickey is also building his acting résumé; soon he commences shooting for a new movie by director Christian Johnston, whose 2004 film, The September Tapes, played at Cannes and Sundance.

Hollywood Hickey was on full display at the January 29 premiere of Oxy Morons in North Station, where Johnny posed for photographers on a red carpet at the Greatest Bar. For nearly an hour, he took pictures with friends and co-stars, flashes bouncing off his metal-grey button-down and matching mob-boss necktie. A crew from the Current TV series Vanguard was also in the crowd, taping for a follow-up to The OxyContin Express, their 2009 George Foster Peabody Award–winning documentary on "pill mills" in Florida.

Before the movie lit up the two-story wall of flat-screens, Larry Golbom, host of the Florida-based broadcast Prescription Addiction Radio, introduced Hickey. Standing with a couple that lost a son two years ago to OxyContin, Golbom reminded the full house that opiate abuse is, now more than ever before, an equal-opportunity blight nationwide, ravaging families of all types. His message was reflected in the room, with cops, judges, probation officers, and DEA agents standing among Charlestown natives, past offenders, and even some of Hickey's friends who still wrestle with addiction.

At one point, Brennan, the former armored-truck bandit, hobnobbed with one of the film's millionaire investors, while a few feet away, a Boston police detective thanked Hickey for everything he's done to educate people about opiate abuse.

It was an oxymoron if there ever was one.

Chris Faraone can be reached atcfaraone[a] Follow him on Twitter @fara1.

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18 Comments / Add Comment


Wow, you're one sick puppy...
What a dirty rat
Posted: February 02 2011 at 3:43 PM

Kimberley Ring

Great job on the story, Chris
Posted: February 02 2011 at 6:21 PM


awesome stuff...looking forward to seeing this!!
Posted: February 02 2011 at 7:13 PM


lol @ Brennan as a "former armored-truck bandit". He stole cars for the bandits, one of which resulted in the death of man. Then, in tandem with his father, ratted on his best friend from childhood a few years into his sentence to get out of jail. But 'former robber' sounds so much better than ' government informant'.
Posted: February 02 2011 at 7:50 PM


cakes, why is it that people like you want to destroy or turn negative when people turn their lives around. Like it matters what he did in his criminal life, I would argue it's more important what he is doing now. Getting the message out there about a horrible drug is by far more important. You should take anything else up in person with him, that is if you would. Or some advice would stay in that 1 square mile and keep commenting via the computer. And in closing, I find it funny you allege to know so much about this man's life.

Posted: February 02 2011 at 8:21 PM


Ya-i-know It is not what you think
Posted: February 02 2011 at 10:50 PM


Hickey is a total fraud.

He is back on drugs. He is high all the time

He is not from Charlestown.......he got his girlfriend pregnant last year and abandoned her.

It is all a lie and made up stuff.....some true but most not!!!
Posted: February 02 2011 at 10:52 PM


Life seems so much more menacing now. When I was a kid I lived across the street from the local heroin distribution apartment (an illiterate couple from the South with with kids) in the South Bronx. The addicts were sad creatures, including some older brothers of friends. They would steal anything, but that was it. No menace. The scariest part of having them as neighbors was finding, in a big empty lot, the occasional dead body of someone who overdosed.
Posted: February 02 2011 at 11:25 PM

Nicholas Oliver

you cant die by injecting air in your veins, as a former heroin addict ive shot syringes with a 1/3 of the thing filled with air and i noticed no reaction as among my other addict friends at the time.
ive been clean for yrs and opiate addiction is the biggest nitemare on earth, it will make u do crazy, desperate shit, like this dude in the story
Posted: February 03 2011 at 6:46 AM

Kristen Haley

Thanks for writing this Chris :) Please visit for showtimes and to purchase tickets!
Posted: February 03 2011 at 11:07 AM
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