Our hour-by-hour breakdown
Nobody needs convincing of how much is at stake in Tuesday’s elections.
Polls suggest that the presidential race is too close to call, and will be decided in a small number of key “swing states.” Democrats are fighting to maintain control of the US Senate, where they now hold a 53-47 advantage. Republicans want to stay on top in the House of Representatives, with the Tea Party group that swept in two years ago.
And that’s not all that’s at stake. Ballots across the country feature gay rights and gay candidates, and an array of important referenda.
To keep track of it all, the Phoenix has created this chart of what to watch for as information floods in through the TV, blogosphere, and social media on election night.
So, as 8 pm approaches, for example, you’ll know to start looking for information on the Maine and Maryland marriage-equality votes. At 9 pm, you can cast an eye to Wisconsin, and former MTV Real World cast member Sean Duffy’s re-election. And by 10 pm we’ll start to find out whether Nevada’s Hispanic voters — and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid — can deliver that state for Barack Obama.
TWEET US ON ELECTION NIGHTFollow @bostonphoenix on Twitter and Instagram for our live, behind-the-scenes coverage at Boston campaign headquarters for Mitt Romney, Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren, Richard Tisei, and John Tierney.