
Beacon Hill's Most Beautiful: 25 power players who keep the Golden Dome in style



Politics in Massachusetts can be an ugly business.

We spend a lot of our time reporting on the unattractive aspects of Beacon Hill behavior: the rough-and-tumble campaigns, the back-room bartering, the seamy allegations, and the too-common disgraces.

So, the Phoenix and political news aggregator MassterList decided to team up and show you another side of life under the Golden Dome — the beautiful side.

We took nominations from MassterList's thousands of news-junkie subscribers, and assembled a secret team of political insiders to vote on them in the most Beacon Hill way we could imagine: in complete anonymity, behind closed doors, and without a whiff of accountability.

The result? Twenty-five individuals who brighten the State House halls with style, attitude, and even — if such a thing exists on Beacon Hill — inner beauty.

Let us know who you think we left out!

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1 of 25 (results 25)
  • Grossman for Treasurer
    There are two impressive candidates running for state treasurer in Tuesday’s Democratic primary.
  • Tapped out
    The freedom to vacation before wrapping up vital work is just one perk of holding statewide office.
  • Chaos Theory
    In less than two weeks, when Massachusetts voters elect Martha Coakley to the US Senate — let's not pretend that Republican state senator Scott Brown has any chance of pulling off the monumental upset — they will trigger a massive domino effect that has the state's political class buzzing with anticipation.
  • More more >
  Topics: News Features , Beacon Hill , Politics , Carl Sciortino ,  More more >
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