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Inside the term-paper machine

The black market of term papers exposed
By COLMAN HERMAN  |  November 4, 2009

It’s never been easier for college students to hire someone else to write their term papers for them.

Despite school honor codes and laws in Massachusetts and 16 other states making it illegal to traffick in term papers, websites with names like, and advertise easy access to recycled and “customized” term papers with catchy slogans like “Download Your Workload” and “It’s Not Cheating, It’s Collaborating.”

Craigslist, that purveyor of virtually anything and everything, offers hundreds of listings from people ready, willing, and occasionally able to write term papers for students. These writers for hire come from all walks of life, with some in Boston holding down important positions in their day jobs.

Posing as a student over a three-month period from July to September, I emailed a request for a 20-page, double-spaced term paper about physician-assisted suicide to 66 individuals and companies advertising on the Boston section of Craigslist. Sixty-two responses came back, quoting prices ranging from $90 to $1,200. The average price was $370, or $18.50 a page. I also contacted a few others about writing school admissions essays.

Many of the term paper writers boasted of Ivy League pedigrees and stellar writing skills, claims that were not always truthful.  Eddie H., the founder of Ivy League Essays, a frequent advertiser on Craigslst, claimed to be a senior at Columbia University, but in an interview he came clean and admitted he was not.

Still, some of the writers advertising on Craigslist do have impressive credentials.  For example, Damian Bonazzoli, who promised a “quality grade” if he was hired to write the 20-page paper on physician-assisted suicide, responded to an inquiry by sending, unsolicited, his résumé. It revealed that he is a senior staff attorney for the Massachusetts Appeals Court, a job that pays him $94,000 a year, according to state records.  Bonazzoli wanted $300 to write the paper.

In an email exchange, Bonazzoli said turning in a paper that he had written would not be illegal. “I am aware of no state or federal statute that prohibits such a practice. This is not the equivalent of, say, lying on a federal employment or tax form,” he said. “Could your school take disciplinary action? Of course. But that’s quite different from a criminal prosecution.”

In a follow-up telephone interview, this time with me identifying myself as a reporter, Bonazzoli insisted that students should abide by the ethics codes of their schools and added that he was unaware of the Massachusetts law on term papers.  

Dr. Rivka Colen, a physician practicing at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, offered to write four medical school admission essays for $800. Colen said in a telephone interview with me that she does writing on the side “to help out medical students” and that she provides students with a questionnaire to complete before writing their essays for them. Admissions essays are not mentioned in the Massachusetts term paper statute.

A person who identified herself as Elie Losleben, who wanted $950 to write the 20-page paper on physician-assisted suicide, said she is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University. “I don’t get caught,” Losleben crowed in an email exchange. “I’m a professional writer and I know how to change narrative voice to meet the needs of my clients. Kind of like an actress, after reading one or two of your papers, I know how to mimic the way that you write.”

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6 Comments / Add Comment

don warner saklad

As a reporter also covering Freedom of Information FOI public records, encourage Colman Herman to take another closer look at Boston City Hall.

Please look into the out of date stenographic machine at Boston City Council. The out of date stenographic machine records more of proceedings, transactions and Councilors' debate than the all too brief arcane Council Minutes. The stenographic machine record of the last public meeting needs to be more readily available to the people, folks interested and concerned about their municipal governing institution. More up to date stenographic or what is called scopist technology features closed captioning for folks with hearing loss on Council webcasts. The stenographic record of the last public meeting would give the people opportunity to submit by email feedback and suggestions with respect to the words spoken at the public meeting quoting the Councilors.

Ask for the stenographic machine record of the last public meeting of Boston City Council, a computer file on the City Stenographer's computer available by email.

See also


Posted: November 05 2009 at 1:27 AM


This article is bogus. Colman Herman is a known muckraker and his techniques for getting people to look guilty for his articles include trickery and manipulation. Note that with some of the people here he never actually says that they told him they would write the term paper. They may have offered to help him but help could mean simply advising him on where to do his research or how to find documents he may have needed. While I'm sure there are some people out there who write term papers for a living, think about this. Do you honestly think that a doctor or an attorney, both making a six figure or higher salary would waste their time writing term papers for a measly $300? What we have here is a sad tale of lives being ruined by a jerk who wants to make some press and money for himself. People who offered to tutor him (not knowing his real purpose) have now had their names dragged through the mud and lost their jobs and possibly careers when they in fact have done nothing wrong.
Posted: February 23 2010 at 10:48 PM


I agree. This guy is an ass. He's a bitter old freelancer who can't find work, so he tries to "create" drama where there is none. He trolls Craigslist a lot and often angrily emails people he disagrees with. Watch out for this guy. Negative things seem to follow him around.
Posted: February 17 2011 at 7:30 PM


Hahahaha! He did the same thing to me. I posted an ad warning people of a scam I fell victim too and he took time out of his day to e-mail me and ask if I was really surprised. Really nice guy.
Posted: May 19 2011 at 1:04 PM


hahaha funny i am finding this article now. I actually found this guy and beat the shit out of him. He is one fat bald NEVER BEEN LAID lying sack of cow dung. He smells like piss and is a penny less idiot
Posted: May 25 2011 at 5:44 AM


I write papers, he emailed me trolling the same crap, i do this to make extra money as an ex college grad who needs to pay the bills. Dont hate me for taking advantage of other people's laziness.
Posted: May 25 2011 at 8:41 AM
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