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Photos: Bike polo in Boston

Urbanites horse around
By BOSTON BIKE POLO GROUP  |  April 30, 2010

Photo: Jeremy Stark

Boston Bike Polo | Allston

READ: Freewheelin', Bike culture isn’t just about getting to work any more. By Tom Meek.

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1 of 14 (results 14)
  • Bike Week and beyond
    Boston is a great bicycling city. Sure, you have to deal with sociopathic, maniacal motorists who’ve never heard of a turn signal. And yes, you have to contend with a bunch of inconsiderate, entitled pedestrians who act like they own the road and can wander across the street whenever they feel like it, then give you a dirty look as you whiz by them.
  • Ghazal Fine Indian Cuisine
    Years ago, I brought a date to Boston's oldest Indian restaurant (the bygone Kebab-n-Kurry), promising, "The food's great, but the servers are the surliest bunch you've ever seen — so sullen it's hilarious!"
  • Like riding a bike
    Last week, glimpses of spring made me eager for the days when I can hop on my bike and go for a long ride without worrying about getting hypothermia or skidding out on salty, slushy roads.
  • More more >
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