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Psycho Sudoku!
By GARY DISCH  |  May 3, 2006

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Psycho Sudoku: Kaidoku

This Kaidoku puzzle is what would happen if a Sudoku and a crossword puzzle mated. Your job is to fill in the grid with uncapitalized, unhyphenated words. Ain't no clues, though: in this puzzle, each of the 26 letters of the alphabet is represented by a number between one and 26. Using letter frequenciy and looking for patterns in words, you've gotta figure out what letter is  represented by what number and fill in the whole puzzle. If you need a starting hint, there's one at the end of these instructions, presented in flowery language so you don't accidentally see it if you don't want to. Note: remember that only uncapitalized, unhypenated words are allowed in Kaidoku. (Starting hint, if you want it: the tenth letter of the alphabet is represented in this grid by the number you get when you multiply five times five, then subtract seven.)

Related: Stepping stone sudoku, Standard sudoku, Party like it’s 1989, More more >
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