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I ruined Stephen Colbert's coffee

By SEAN BARTLETT  |  September 28, 2006

After fielding a few more questions, Stephen leaves the studio, citing an appointment to do voice over work at Sony studios across the street. I begin contemplating working for this man for the rest of my life, for free if I have to, but fall short of an overly sentimental O-captain-my-captain goodbye. The interns were then left to roam the studio unsupervised, and we proceeded to pose for pictures behind the desk in signature Colbert postures. A few even conduct mock interviews with each other, using question cards leftover from last night’s show. The scene carried with it a distinctly nostalgic, kids-on-a-playground vibe, recalling a time long before we concerned ourselves with padding resumes and finding decent health insurance, before we had to worry about global warming and the price of gas, before we knew there was a difference between whole and skim milk.

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