"You ever feel like your luck's running out? Lately I feel like my luck's been
running out," says Tupac Shakur's character in what is certain to be the most
quoted line from what turned out to be the ill-fated rapper's penultimate film.
On screen, Shakur always had powerful, effortless charisma, whether playing a
villain or a relatively stable character, as he does here. He and Tim Roth are
two heroin-addicted jazz musicians, named Spoon and Stretch, whose efforts to
get into rehab are frustrated at every turn by absurd government bureaucracies
for which the description "Kafka-esque" would be a step up. Shakur's relaxed
cool nicely complements Roth's Method-ical madness.
Actor Vondie Curtis Hall, in his debut as a writer/director, clearly knows how
to get other actors to shine. (The always fine Thandie Newton glistens as the
third member of this jazz-and-junk trio.) He's less of a storyteller, however,
and the film's pointed premise diffuses into a meandering, heavy fog. Still,
it's hard not to be haunted by the performances, especially that of the unlucky
Shakur. At the Cheri, the Fresh Pond, and the Allston and in the
-- Gary Susman