January 11 - 18, 1 9 9 6

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*** Land of the Blind


(Rainforest Records)

It's said that when one sense is impaired, the remaining ones compensate. In the case of Land of the Blind, sound is used to create many dimensions, and the textures conveyed by the rich, lush music can almost be seen as well as heard. Lead vocalist Choakha, who wails with the intensity of Kate Bush, is a visual artist as well as a talented chanteuse. Her rendition of Jane Siberry's "Calling All Angels" is sparse and haunting, her voice alternating between breathy whispers and notes of startling clarity.

The band roster also includes three female vocalists and various musicians, all of whom contribute to the plethora of instruments: didjeridoo, flute, upright bass, but no guitar. In fact, Land of the Blind describe themselves as "guitar-impaired." Like Dead Can Dance, they explore unconventional sounds and draw on different cultures for musical inspiration. "One Eye" experiments with Middle East-like scales and cryptically poetic lyrics, for a bizarre but intriguing Laurie-Anderson-meets-the-Women's-Choir-of-Bulgaria feel. Genuine and unpretentious, Land of the Blind combine disparate elements to create what they call "music to see by." (Lyrics in Braille available.)

-- Linda Anderson

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