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** 1/2 Shampoo


(I.R.S./Food Records)

Insufferably self-absorbed yet endearingly goofy, Shampoo sound exactly like what they are: a pair of dyed-blonde Brits armed with synthesizers and attitude. On their debut, We Are Shampoo (the title itself a nod to the self-absorbed goofiness of Devo), Jacqui Blake and Carrie Askew pout and chime their way through simple bubblegum-guitar/synth-pop tunes populated by boys and girls, teenagers, megababes, tight T-shirts, and a "Skinny White Thing" ("Living in your own wet dream, strut like a king and you pout like a queen").

A strange mix of baby-doll chic and punk bitchiness, Shampoo have the temerity to write their own anthem, "Viva La Megababes" ("Better step aside because we just ain't stopping"), and trash other equally vapid trends in the same breath ("Supermodels suck, riot grrrls, diet grrrls, who really gives a fuck?") -- a move reminiscent of Bow Wow Wow, Bananarama, and Strawberry Switchblade. Of course, the incessant chirpiness of the vocals, the musical similarity of songs like "Trouble" and "Shiny Black Taxi Cab" (both happy, danceable, vaguely sexual French kisses of songs with a fuzzy guitar to make them sound slightly dangerous), and the absolute lack of meaning behind the vapid lyrics can chafe. But until it does, Shampoo are good, clean fun.

-- Randee Dawn Cohen

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