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**1/2 Showbusiness Giants



D.O.A.'s Ford Pier and Nomeansno's Tom Holliston have paired up to form Showbusiness Giants, with murky results. Sometimes they cross the cutesy weirdness of They Might Be Giants with the darker, metaphorical oddities of King Missile. "The First Pygmy in Space" is low-fi jangle built around the lyric "I know it's hard to absorb it, there's a midget up in orbit." It calls to mind the inanities of the Dead Milkmen, but with "Vampire Hookers" the Giants quickly digress into thrashy, Fatima Mansions-like anarchy, and later, back to a singsong Elvis imitation on "Anything But Love." Over the course of 18 songs, the Giants cover the quirky spectrum in broad, amusing, sometimes pretentious strokes -- punk merging with speed jazz and humor converging with Black Flag's guitar riffs. In the end, though, they've made more of a performance-art piece than a rock album.

-- Randee Dawn Cohen

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