(Callner Music)
From this
album's opening "Life Story," the music and lyrics are as generic as the band's
name. When singer Paul Knowles earnestly belts, "Walking into her life story, I
don't see my name," you know not to expect enlightenment. The lyrics are just
as banal on "Old Man Isn't Laughing," "Religion Water," "Eyes of God," and the
strangely poignant "Chevy." And the music is just as cliché'd. Behind a
bland, lead electric guitar, same-sounding verses, choruses, and guitar solos
repeat ad nauseam, making the tracks practically indistinguishable. Sometimes
the band throws in acoustic guitar; hey, it worked for
Hootie. To be fair, there
are a few catchy hooks, and the four-member line-up is tight enough to keep
much of Dance with Your Ghost listenable. It's rock music that won't
bother you if it's playing in the background. Just don't think about it.
-- Mark Bazer