Music without authors
Can DJ Shadow, Aphex Twin, etc. make hits?
by Matt Ashare
In the science-fiction allegory "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius," the
Argentinean writer Jorge Luis Borges postulated a utopian world in which the
idea of the author as we understand it has ceased to exist. "The dominant
notion is that everything is the work of one single author," he wrote in 1956,
anticipating postmodernist discourse. "Books are rarely signed. The concept of
plagiarism does not exist; it has been established that all books are the work
of one single writer, who is timeless and anonymous."
Five and a half minutes into the second track on
Entroducing . . . (Mo Wax/ffrr), the new disc by DJ
Shadow (a/k/a 24-year-old Josh Davis of Davis, California), a voice interrupts
the funky flow of hip-hop beats, jazzy piano chords, and wah-wah guitar with an
announcement: "I would like to be able to continue to let what is inside of me,
which comes from all the music that I hear . . . come out. It's
like it's not really me that's coming through. The music's coming through
You might think Shadow is adhering to the old spiritual cliché: "I
don't play the music; the music plays me." But he's really subverting it; he
literally means that he doesn't play the music. Not even the voice is his. Like
everything else on Entroducing . . . , it's taken
(borrowed? lifted? plagiarized?) from another source. And though Davis signs
the name DJ Shadow to his work, he and a growing number of electronic auteurs
-- Aphex Twin, Alex Patterson with the Orb, Orbital, DJ Spooky, the DJs at
England's Ninja Tune label, to name only a few -- have begun to erode
conventional notions of authorship in music, opening the window on new
possibilities for pop. Using sampling technology, they digitally record and
electronically manipulate sounds taken from sources that can range from old
funk LPs to pre-release dance singles to, well, anything that makes noise.
Sonic collages become new songs that aren't really "written" in the traditional
sense of the word. The music is certainly coming through DJs like Shadow and
New York's Spooky, but its point of its origin is harder to pin down.
Welcome to the Orbis Tertius of electronic music, an often disorienting place
where pseudonyms and subgenres seem to proliferate almost as fast as the
beats-per-minute. As a loose category that encompasses everything from bass
& drums (or jungle) and trip-hop to acid jazz and ambient dub, it's already
conquered much of Europe and England, where even American techno artists like
and the San Francisco DJ amalgam Hardkiss have fared better than on their
home turf. And lately it's been gaining enough critical mass, in terms of media
coverage and major-label attention, to break through in a US market that's now
suffering from a bad case of post-grunge and post-punk burnout. Steve Fisk, the
Seattle producer known for his work with grungesters the Screaming Trees and
indie-rockers Unwound, has gone techno with Pigeonhead, a project that just
released a solid disc on Sub Pop (The Full Sentence). Instrumental
outfits like Chicago's Tortoise and Maryland's Trans Am, who both record for
Thrill Jockey, are creating rich, electronic tapestries with rock undertones.
Columbia just signed a deal with Ovum Recordings, an indie imprint helmed by
techno DJs Josh Wink and King Britt. And remember, Perry Farrell, who's proved
in the past that he knows something about cashing in early on cultural trends,
put his money on electronic music last summer with the ENIT tour.
So far, though, the electronic underground has yet to produce a Nirvana -- an
artist capable of taking the world, or at least the US, by storm. There was
reason to believe that Moby would be the one before he opted to abandon his
sampler for a guitar on his new Elektra release, Animal Rights (see
accompanying story). Moby got as far as he did with techno by acting like a
rock guy on stage, a model that's now been adopted by the British band Prodigy,
who hired a second-rate Johnny Rotten singer last year and in a recent MTV
interview were heard distancing themselves from the rave scene. The Chemical
Brothers made mainstream inroads last fall, but only with help from Oasis's
Noel Gallagher singing on the single "Setting Sun." And a DJ named BT (Brian
Transeau) is currently getting some airplay with "Blue Skies," a track from the
album Ima (Kinetic/Reprise) that features vocals by Tori Amos.
"I know KROQ and MTV want to start playing more electronic stuff," offers
Moby, "but there's one really big problem: there are only two or three
[commercially] viable electronic artists in the whole world. The Prodigy are
the only real one; they're really the only band that has personality, a singer,
and a good live show. The Chemical Brothers are boring live and so is Tricky,
even though he makes great records. There was a period from about 1984 to 1992
when I felt hip-hop, house, and techno were really vital and exciting. But in
the last couple of years I've lost interest. I think it's become the musical
equivalent of graphic design. It's cool when you look at it, but you never get
too worked up over it because it's mostly semi-personality-less."
Of course it's the lack of "personality," or of a distinct human voice, that
makes the current wave of electronic music interesting and potentially
revolutionary. Sampling is nothing new: it's been part of hip-hop's aesthetic
since the beginning. The concept of "sampling" sounds from the environment by
recording them on loops of magnetic tape has been a cornerstone of experimental
music for the last half of the century. Analog and then digital synthesizers
have been a part of pop music since the '70s. And, hey, everybody remembers
Thomas Dolby's "Blinded Me with Science" from a decade ago.
Like punk rock, electronic music has its own secret history, which you can
trace back to conceptualist composers like John Cage and Karlheinz Stockhausen;
studio gurus like Brian Eno, Lee Perry, and Bill Laswell; Eurodisco masterminds
Jean-Marc Cerrone and Giorgio Moroder; bands like Kraftwerk and Cabaret
Voltaire; and the mid-'80s Chicago acid-house scene. In an odd way, the
re-emergence of punk as indie rock in the '90s may have inadvertently helped
seed the clouds for an incoming techno storm by de-emphasizing the importance
of the virtuoso in pop music and spreading the Do It Yourself gospel. With his
talent for seamless, fast-paced edits, DJ Shadow may be the Eddie Van Halen of
the sampler, but Entroducing . . . is a celebration more
of cut-and-paste possibilities than of a cult of personality.
On the new Aphex Twin (a/k/a Richard James) disc Richard D. James
Album (Elektra), doors can be heard opening and closing in the
background as a voice calls his given name. A self-proclaimed eccentric who
builds his own synths and samplers, James records in his bedroom, which gives
an edge of human warmth to even his coldest techno creations. James has also
made a habit of creating music that is at once a celebration and an ironic
comment on a particular genre. This time his target is the roiling rhythms of
jungle, which he chops into a sporadic, often unsettling barrage of mostly
undanceable beats.
Artists like Aphex Twin, DJ Shadow, and DJ Spooky, projects like the Orb and
Chemical Brothers, collectives like Ninja Tune and Hardkiss, and even producers
like the sample-happy Dust Brothers are blurring the lines between the role of
the DJ, who plays and comments on music, and the performer, who plays with and
produces music. With U2 due to release a jungle-influenced disc, My Bloody
Valentine dabbling in techno, and bands like Cibo Matto mixing hip-hop and pop,
it seems clear that people are learning to think about the kind of music Borges
might have postulated in his fantasy world.