**1/2 A Minor Forest
(Thrill Jockey)
If all you're going to offer the kids is another permutation of
the stark post-punk prog rock that Slint and Shellac mapped out, then you might
as well have some fun naming the songs. That's how San Francisco's A Minor
Forest approach their debut CD. The epic 10-minute "Bill's Mom Likes To Fuck"
gets my vote for the disc's most amusing juxtaposition of title and music.
Bill's mom may be a nymphomaniac, but the naked scrape of angular guitars
against thudding drums conjures images of Bill furiously dry-humping a
splintery telephone pole in flimsy nylon shorts.
"Jacking Off George Lucas" -- the "topical" track -- clocks in at a relatively
modest 7:07, during which guitar/bass/drums, augmented by cellist Dominique
Davison, build gradually from a slow Codeine whisper to an abrasive Slinty
scream. And "Speed for Gavin" is pure Shellac noisemaking. (Albini and his
buddy Bob Weston engineered Flemish Altruism with their Shaker-like
disdain for studio "frills"). Think of it as music to endure, rather than
enjoy, right down to the grainy blast of white-noise guitar skronk that
finishes off "The Loneliest Enuretic," the title of which denotes a friendless
person who urinates involuntarily.
-- Matt Ashare
(A Minor Forest headline upstairs at the Middle East this Sunday,
February 9.)