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*** The Nerk Twins


(Broken Records)

The Zion (Illinois) pop group Shoes aren't famous, but they've got it made. Instead of blowing the money from their '80s major-label tenure, they built a studio and started a label with a stable of artists devoted to a narrow but workable definition of pop: lots of chiming guitars, an obvious Beatles/Byrds heritage, romantic angst aplenty, and no songs less than catchy or longer than four minutes.

The Nerk Twins are Shoes member Jeff Murphy teaming with label protégé Herb Eimerman for an informal session that combines Eimerman's folkish leanings with Murphy's preference for big guitars and hooks. It's as close to lo-fi as any Shoes-related disc has gotten, with a couple of joky song ideas ("I'm Broke," "I Love Jamaica") and apparently spur-of-the-moment arrangements. But the classic AM-radio sensibility wins as the two Nerks casually toss out tunes that in a more innocent time would be hit singles.

The wide-eyed quality that's always a Shoes trademark plays into the album's best tracks. The title song breaks away from celebrating romance long enough to celebrate friendship. "She Said" makes good use of lyrical ambiguity and a cowbell. "Two Women" is a country number à la Ringo. Suspend your cynicism and dig in.

-- Brett Milano

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